(14) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
(15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
(13) Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged. Brethren, Apostle Paul, is saying to believers to be in one accord, love one another, and treat each other with respect, as brothers and sisters of faith with common goals; if we have a common goal, to take down works of darkness and bring souls to Jesus Christ with the word of our Father, then let us come together as one congregation, with one Shepherd and one common goal, preach the good news truthfully; and lay aside disagreements, focus on our common goal, to save souls into eternity.
(14) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? Then again, as believers, brought out of darkness, into marvelous lights of our Father; (i) let us walk in the light, and not associate ourselves with works of darkness; for we do not have anything common with works of darkness; (ii) if we are saved, sanctified and are vessels of righteousness; there are no darkness in our innermost spirits, because the Holy Spirit resides within our souls; therefore, we cannot mingle with deeds of evil in the world full of darkness; for example, before we were brought out of darkness into marvelous lights we were in association with lots of people, however, when we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts; we lose friendship with others we used to associate ourselves with, because how can light and darkness share life together? it is not possible! (iii) when we lose friendship with others, it is not our doings; if they are still in darkness, they will move away from our light, not because we resisted them, but because they prefer to associate themselves with darkness of this world, and they cannot embrace the shinning lights of Jesus Christ; (iv) when friends move away from us suddenly, when we get saved into the faith of the righteousness of Jesus Christ; let us not feel deserted or sad; if we try our best to win them over but are not able to do so; it is time to move on with our lives, and rejoice, because we are in the light of our Father, through Jesus Christ, and have salvation and eternity; (iv) if we are in the lights, how can we reason with unbelievers? it will be difficult to do so; for, when we have to read our bibles, pray and fellowship with our Father, it maybe the time for unbelievers to go to the bar for few drinks; therefore, a believer does not have a common grounds with unbelievers and world of darkness; therefore, friends will fall away, but let us not be sorrowful, but rejoice that we have Jesus Christ and he is all that we need in this world of darkness; however, (v) let us not move away completely and not care about them; let us pray, that their eyes be enlighten, to see the light of our Father and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and have salvation and eternity.
(15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Brethren, the question is; what common interest can there be between good and evil? there is no common ground; therefore, let us not try to please others, go along with their works of evil; for light and darkness cannot dwell together, light will always conquer darkness; in the book of Genesis, our Father called the light: and there was light, since darkness was overshadowed with the lights, he call the light day and darkness he called night; therefore, darkness and light have two different manifestations, even before creation, they cannot dwell together; and was separated by our Father; therefore, whenever we receive Jesus Christ into our lives; we receive light, because he is the light of the world, (John 8:12); and any association with things of darkness in our lives must be moved away when the light of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior comes into our lives; therefore, how can there be peace and harmony between Jesus Christ (the light of this world) and the devil, (Prince of darkness)? there is nothing in common; therefore, let us ask ourselves, what businesses can believers engage themselves with unbelievers? if we do not participate in ungodliness, and worldly lusts of the flesh, but live our lives in godliness, and by faith in his righteousness; we have no common grounds with the enemy and works of darkness; as believers, momentarily, the enemy will try to lure us back into darkness, after we believe his lies and fall into his traps; he will present our failures before our Father, ask his permission to punish us, for wrong doings that he had lured us into doing, and punish our souls in Hades; therefore, let us beware of what we are doing, with who we do those things with; for our salvation and destinations after life are very important; and everything we do, let us relate all things with the scriptures, we can never go wrong in this life and forevermore.
Dearly beloved, Jesus is the light of this world, if we follow him, we will not walk in darkness but will have light; therefore, if we find ourselves in darkness today, but do not know how we got there; let us double check ourselves to see where we went wrong and get back in rightful standings with our Father; for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior cares, he does not want any soul to make Hades their final destination; therefore, he suffered and died on the cross, rose again from the dead to redeem all souls from darkness into his marvelous lights, all we have to do, is to believe in him and receive salvation and be joint heirs with him in heavenly places forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) St. John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
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