
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


(KJV.)  MATTHEW 6:14-15

(14)  For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
(15)  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses,  neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.


(14)  For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:  Brethren, as believers in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; to forgive one another's trespasses is a necessary attribute in our walk of faith, in his righteousness;  to forgive?  (i)  to forgive someone, is to absolutely grant pardon for their offensive behaviors or remissions of  their indebtedness;  when we get offended by others, but we keep those offenses in our hearts, and lie to ourselves that we have forgiven them; it is ungodly; for,  Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, forgave all our sins on the cross, and sees the innermost of our hearts, that we are unclean before him;  and cannot fellowship entirely with our Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; because we refuse to forgive one another;  (ii) to not forgive one another's faults are spiritual hindrances in our walk of faith, for, our hearts are temples of the Holy Spirit and if spirits of unforgiving resides also in the same innermost spirits, our spirits are contaminated with darkness;  therefore, let us forgive those who have offended us;  it is a rightful thing to do, in Jesus Name!;  (iii) to forgive those who offend us, means we have to give up all claims entirely, on those offenses, we are to remit our offenders of their wrong doings (debt) or whatever obligations they failed to honor and set them free;  (iv)  to forgive, is to grant pardon to those who unknowingly offended us; for a example, if someone mistakenly breaks their barriers, steps into territories where they are not welcome; they have trespassed, if they retrogress, they are to be forgiven;  (v)  to forgive, is to cease to feel resentment against someone who offended you; at times, when we are offended by others, though they ask for our forgiveness, and we claim that they are forgiven; but we hold on to what they did to us; and inwardly feel indignation towards them; we smile at them, but still hold grudges and malice against them;  (v)  to forgive, is to cancel once debt or liability entirely; for example, our Father allowed Jesus Christ to suffer, died and rose again from the dead to pay for all our iniquities; not because we deserve to be forgiven, but because of his love for his children;  therefore, if all our iniquities are forgiven because of one man's blood; then, as his believers, we ought to also forgive others who wrongfully sins against us;  at times, to forgive our fellow brethren is difficult; but it is not difficult at all, if we apply the events surrounding how we were saved into the quotation; there are no other ways for us to be justified for our own sins, if we fail to forgive others and free them from their trespasses against us;  brethren, if we claim to love one another, as the Father loves us that he gave his only begotten Son to die for our all iniquities; we will also forgive others as he forgives us our sins everyday and live peaceably with all men.

(15)  But if ye forgive not men their trespasses,  neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.  Brethren, if we refuse to forgive our fellow brethren their wrong doings, how do we expect our Father to forgive our wrong doings?  let us ponder on this point;  though blood of Jesus already paid for all our iniquities, we still sin everyday;  however, sacred blood of Jesus covers all our wrong doings, regardless of what we do;  however, let us also forgive our offenders, so when we trespasses against others, they will in turn forgive us; in the covenanted blood of Jesus shed for remission of all our sins;  however, if we refuse to forgive our offenders, our Father will not grant pardon to our wrong doings either; for, it is written, in Mark 11:25; "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.";  at times, when others trespass against us, they may not be aware, that they did wrong us; if they are not aware, then chances are, they will do them again; therefore, at times, we have to let others know of what they did wrong towards us; by pointing out their faults to them; that is another way of letting our feeling out in the open, to clear our minds, not hold grudges against them;  when we point out to others their trespasses, let us do so with love and in respective ways, not with anger and vexations; for, we cannot resolve any conflict peacefully with negative emotions; before we resolve any conflict with others,  (i)  let us pray to our father, request for the Holy Spirit's presence, to take absolute control of all thought processes and to allow the meeting to be peaceful and successfully to resolve all misunderstandings;  (ii)  let us be prepared to forgive one another; for, it is written, "And if he trespass against thee seven times a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying,  I repent;  thou shalt forgive him." (Luke 17:4);  therefore, when we get offended by our fellow brethren, let us forgive them, as many times as possible, it is the rightful thing to do;  (ii)  though we forgive others their wrong doings against us; when we do so, we free hearts from bondage; for, whenever we hold others who have wrong us in our hearts, we build walls around our hearts towards them, and anytime we see them; unknowingly, we guard our hearts towards them; and cannot associate with them, or show genuine love because our hearts are closed towards them;  therefore, let us not allow what other people say or do to us; take away our joy and happiness;  and let us be aware that if the trumpet shall sound in heavenly places, we are to meet Jesus Christ with joyfulness of hearts; if there are darkness residing in our hearts, we will not make it into heavenly places, the enemy will claim our immortal souls with him in pits of Hades forevermore.


Dearly beloved, we have heard sermons about forgiveness several times; the reason why Jesus Christ is talking to us again about forgiveness today is because regardless of how righteous we are; if we refuse to forgive one another's faults, we hurt our own innermost spirits, we grieve the Holy Spirit and break up chains of communication with him;  what we have to realize is that those who offend us, are already in trouble with our Father; if they do not owe up to their wrong doings, it is between them and Jesus Christ; they will have to answer him on judgement day, holding grudges and malice against them; will actually hinder our own rightful standings with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; therefore,  let us pray for those who offend us, forgive them, leave them in the hands of our Father; he knows how to pass judgments and he will surely do so at appropriate times;  let us not hate our offenders but love them with the love of Jesus Christ;  after they persecuted, whipped and crucified him;  it is written, "Then said Jesus,  Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.....(Luke 23:34);  therefore, if Jesus Christ can forgive his haters, after all that they did to him; we have not suffered or crucified, we still alive and well;  let us also forgive one another, this what Jesus Christ did for humanity on the cross forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Ephesians 4:31-32  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:...And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.


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