
Thursday, May 28, 2015


(KJV.)  ROMANS 8:29-31

(29)  For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
(30)  Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called:  and whom he called,  them he also justified:  and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
(31)  What shall we then say to these things?  If God be for us,  who can be against us?


Brethren, as believers, let us be encouraged to know that, if we find ourselves in battle grounds of our enemies, and are being bombarded with swords, spears, arrows and devises of evil;  let us be strengthen, not to fear any foes, or be dismayed; for, regardless of what enemies do to children of our Father, they will not succeed or overcome good with evil, but their evil deeds will stand against them on judgment day; for our Father will fight our battles and turn all their evil devises around, use them all for his own purposes, work them together for good, to those who love him, and are within his will; therefore, if enemies are persecuting us today, let us be encouraged to know that battles are for our Father, he is aware of all their evil devises, he will fight our battles, use same evil attacks and witchcraft manipulations to uplift our lives in his will and grant us everlasting blessings;  let us rather be in his will, and know for sure, that so long as we are in good standing with him, no evil will prevail over our lives but our Father will sustain our lives in him forevermore;  for, it is written, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.  This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." (Isaiah 55:17).

Brethren, we have been given authorities to rebuke our enemies in the name Jesus Christ, and to plead his blood upon our lives; therefore, let us not be afraid of our enemies or their evil devises, but be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, trust him to fight our battles, and put on the whole amour of our Father, so we can stand against devises of our enemies;  therefore, in spiritual battles, let us stand firmly, and prepare ourselves with truthfulness of his words, wearing spiritual armors of his righteousness, and be prepared to win battles with shield of faith covering our bodies, and breastplate of righteousness, and covering our heads with blood of Jesus, and words of our Father as swords of the Spirit;  for Jesus Christ already won all battles physically and spiritually on the cross of Calvary on our behalves; and we have victory over all enemies forever;  and so shall it be in his Holy Name forevermore.

Brethren, we are all children of the Almighty Father;  however, some souls are marked from their wombs to be used mightily as instruments of our Father on planet earth; though we are all given gifts to manifest on earth for his glory;  (i) some souls are chosen, predestine to become similar in forms, fashions, natures and characteristics of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; that they maybe outstanding instruments of glory in their generations;  therefore, let us shine in our callings, for we are a chosen generation, and royal priesthood, holy nation and peculiar people; to glory our Father, who called us out of darkness into his marvelous lights, and do his will with joyfulness of hearts, and receive crown of glories and life everlasting;  (ii)  and those who are marked from birth to become outstanding instruments, useful for his glory, are called into his vineyard to serve him, by serving others; therefore, when we hear the voice of our Father calling us to surrender our lives to him, let us pray for sense of directions, to know his will in our lives; once we receive confirmations, and are sure that it was not the enemy trying to confuse our lives, we are to yield completely to his will; for we are already marked to serve him before we were born;  (ii)  after we yield to his will, serve him diligently, our Father will validate our lives, as his chosen instruments for his glorification; therefore, when we service our Father, let us not worry about what others do, or compare ourselves to them, but focus on our own callings and do his will diligently; because our Father is faithful to those whose hearts are with him, and will reward his faithful servants with eternal blessings.

Brethren, in this context, Apostle Paul is asking believers who are being persecuted this question;  "If God be for us, who can be against us?";  my answer to his question is "No one!"  why?  (i)  our Father created all things including our enemies, and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is in control of all things, both evil and good;  and he is our Savior, if we trust and believe in him; he will never allow evil works of men, to overshadow his glories in our lives;  however, if we use self efforts to fight our own battles, we will not overcome; for enemies are not of their own, same way we are not of our own but belong to Jesus Christ; our enemies are also indirectly working for the devil;  and their master will give them more evil powers and demonic entities to torment our lives, but they will never overcome children of our Father; however, let us not fight our own battles without spiritual tools given in the scriptures, but use the sword of our spirits, the word of our Father, called upon the Holy Name of Jesus, to overcome our enemies, and his sacred blood to protect our lives from all perils and dangers of this fallen world for evermore.


Dearly beloved, at times, we are not certain what our callings are in the faith of the righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  but, if we pray unto him, read his words daily, he will direct our ways in paths of righteousness safely into our destinations in life, no evil surmising spirits will derail our missions in his will but we will overcome all evil by the blood of Jesus; also, let us know for sure that same ways as righteous people, will receive rewards for doing good in life;  same ways, if we chose paths of evil, continue to do wrongful deeds against others;  knowingly or unknowingly; we will find ourselves in damnation pits of Hades, for our Father is not a respecter of persons, (Acts 10:34);  vengeance belong to him, he will repay our enemies with vengeance of fury; therefore, let us not take vengeance upon our enemies, but pray for them, for change of hearts, and leave all vengeance unto our Father;  if we are in battles, let us cheer up, our enemies cannot kill us, they will trouble our lives with evil devises but they will fail; for we have a living Father, who will not allow evil devises to over shadow his glories in our lives ever;  let us rather focus entirely on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, give our hearts completely unto him, walk in his righteousness, receive grace freely, peace and life everlasting;  Amen and Amen!  


(KJV.)  Psalm 118:6  The LORD is on my side;  I will not fear:  what can man do unto me?        

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