
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


(KJV.)  ISAIAH 40:6-8

(6)  The voice said,  Cry.  And he said,  What shall I cry?  All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:
(7)  The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.
(8)  The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.


Brethren, Prophet Isaiah heard a voice asking him to cry to humanity, that all physical natures are like ground covering plants of the field, and all our attractiveness are like flowers of the field, that bloom in the mornings and fades away with the sun in the evenings;  we are like pastures, suitable for grazing animals; when we are greener, we are suitable for feeding livestock, useful for intended purposes on earth, however, when we wither, grow old; we convert into hays, and we are cut down, become less useful among humanity; for we become weaker and our days are full of troubles, and soon we fly away to be at rest;  therefore, let us make the best out of our negatives situations, and continue to trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, for our lives are not over yet, and things will get better again; we just have to believe in our Father, that he is able to work all things together for our own good, for those who are in his will, and regardless of our negative situations, he will solve all our problems by his grace and peace forevermore.

Case in point, the spirit of our Father moves upon all his creation; (Genesis 1:2);  therefore, as grass and flowers of the field; when we lose our youthful freshness, and our brightness and vivid colors; it is because the spirit of our Father, blows upon our lives everyday; we become dim and lose brightness of our illuminating colors and die gradually; however, the words of our Father will remain firmly forevermore.

Fruits of thoughts;  in this context, Prophet Isaiah refers to humanity as the grass of the field, and flowers that fades away; that words of our Father, will never fail but stand for ever;  for, it is written, "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God." therefore, so long as our Father exists, the word will also continue to exist in our lives, because the word is the same as our Father; if we read his words, he will richly dwell in our innermost spirits and we will never die eternal death, but will also rise again and live with Jesus Christ in heavenly places forevermore;  (ii) the word of our Father, is also our protective head coverings from perils and dangers of this world, and to deliver our souls from powers and condemnations of our sinful natures into life everlasting; therefore, it is important to read his words everyday, so we can have his protections over our lives, and walk not into unforeseen evil traps of the enemy in this world of darkness;  (iii)  the word of our Father, empowers us with faith, and faith comes by hearing his encouraging voice, and how do we hear his voice?, it is by reading his words;  therefore, his words are lively, to enlighten our ways to believe in him, and walk in his righteousness, enjoy his grace and life everlasting;  (iv)  the word of our Father, is rapid and full of power, and with cutting edges, which penetrates into innermost parts of our souls and spirits, and into our mortals bodies, to recognize what we think about, good or evil purposes of our innermost spirits;  therefore, our Father speaks his words, not only to our hearing and encouragements, but also for our transformations, to walk in his righteousness, be Christlike in all our ways into life everlasting.


Dearly beloved, let us love one another and live peaceably with all men; for we are like grass and flowers of the field, that blooms today but are withered and cast away forever; let us spend quality time with family and friends, before it is too late, and we fly away to be with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  as the wind blows around our mortal bodies everyday, our lives are fading away, and we are becoming weaker in strengths;  let us double check our lives to know what is more important and acknowledge those things;  today, Jesus Christ is calling us to come unto him with all our labor and heavy laden and receive rest for our souls forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  1 Peter 1:25  But the word of the Lord endureth for ever.  And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

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