
Friday, May 1, 2015


(KJV.)  ZECHARIAH 7:9-10

(9)  Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying,  Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother:
(10)  And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart.


(9)  Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying,  Execute true judgment, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother:  Brethren,  the word of our Father came to Zechariah for his people; saying,  Enforce sincere verdict, not deceitful or wavering; and be kind and forgiving, show leniency towards offenders, and to one another: (i)  as believers, we are to do unto others as we wish others to do unto us;  if we wish well for others, it will be well with us as well;  therefore, when negative phenomenons happens to our fellow brethren, let us not rejoice at their failures or turn aside from what we see happened or turn deaf on what we hear from the media about evil works of men, but do our best to help better their negative situations; by praying to our Father to intervene in all negative affairs of humanity; and if possible, we can let our voices be heard in positives ways;  (ii) we can call a day of prayer, and collectively, pray for divine intervention; for, though negative circumstances are happening on earth, at times, we have to look at things through spiritual lenses; if we do, we will see the enemy behind all those evil circumstances; for he loves to cause havoc among brethren, therefore, let us watch out for his evils ways and craftiness; (iii) also, he can infiltrate minds to do evil against one another; he can create evil circumstances whereby, we will disagree, fight against one another; therefore, we need to pray every morning, take authorities over our minds and bodies, over our children with the blood of Jesus Christ, ask for his deliverance from all evil;  (iv)  if the enemy could infiltrate judiciary systems put in place by our Father to govern his people with righteousness; turn the same system around, and use it negatively against same people that it was put in place to defend; there is a big problem somewhere and it not physical but spiritual;  therefore, as believers, who want the peace of this world of darkness; let us not turn deaf ears, pretend like we are holy, that things of this sinful world does not concerns us; but let us come together as brothers and sisters of the same heavenly Father; let us talk about matters concerning our nations; for very soon things that does not concern us currently, may concern our children and grandchildren; and what legacies are we leaving behind for generations to come when we sleep in death?  that is a ponder point!  (v)  it is not who is right or wrong; but we need to get to the roots of our problems; for there are no smokes without fires, if we can get to the cause of all these evil works; know entirely what matters are, prayers can change things around for good; (vi)  if we are in positions of judgments, let us judge our fellow brethren righteously, and understand their concerns entirely, and step down into their bitter shoes, have mercy and show compassion about matters bewailing their souls; and do the will of our Father without wavering or eye services; for our Father looks upon the hearts of men, therefore, it is important that we please our Father instead of humanity; for it is written, "Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."(Proverbs 31:9); therefore, let justice reign on this earth; for eyes of our Father are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry; and he will take vengeance with his indignation upon evil works of men; let us ask ourselves this question; where have we erred?  it is only Jesus Christ, that has answers; therefore, let us seek his face with prayers and let peace reign upon this earth in Jesus Holy Name forevermore:

(10)  And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart.  Brethren, our Father is merciful and full of compassion; if feels the sorrows and pains of his children, because his spirits lives within our souls; the burdens with cruel and unjust restraints, harsh exercise of authorities, controlling and covering   of evil works of men are abominable in his eyes of justice, peace and compassion; and he is saying, "Do not overburden or use strong force of authority over widows, fatherless, strangers or the poor." what do these categories of people have in common?  they are without defenders, the widows have no husbands, the fatherless has no parents or guardians, the strangers have no families and are in foreign lands, and the poor has no sustenance;  therefore, let us categorize them into the helpless children of our Father;  therefore, if we are in positions of authorities, and can make life easier for these people, but we rather make things difficult for them, because they are helpless and have no one to stand up for them;  let us be ware and know that our Father watches over them with mercies and compassion; and any evil works of men against these people, our Father will repay back with vengeance wrath of indignation;  therefore, let us take care of people who are helpless; regardless of their situations, let us listen carefully to their concerns, hear them out and pray for our Father's wisdom and guidance to resolve all matters through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; let us not make matters worse for them, by being judgmental with spirits of condemnations, but show mercy and compassion that is what Jesus Christ did for humanity on the cross of Calvary;  therefore, let us not assume evil thoughts against one another; but, rather be our brother's keepers, pray for one another, and for the peace of this world full of troubles; and live peaceably with all men;  this is the will of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forevermore.


Dearly beloved, when negative phenomenons are happening everywhere on earth; and in our own nations; as believers, our duties and responsibilities are to pray for one another and for the peace of all nations; and, if we are in positions of judgments, let us judge righteously and with the fear of the Lord in our hearts, and according to the scriptures, and show mercy and compassion to those who are suffering wrongfully;  regardless of our races or genders, we are all from the same Father and are brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; therefore, let us look up for one another, let us not turn deaf ears, pretend that we do not hear our fellow brethren cries for help, but let us also cry out to our Father with prayers and supplications to take absolute control of works of evil on planet earth and in lives of humanity;  today, if injustices are being done against us, and we feel brokenness in spirits; Jesus Christ already given us the courage and confidences by his death and resurrection; if we are over burden with issues of this life;  let us come unto him with all our labors and heavy laden, he will give rest to our souls forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Micah 6:8  He hath shewed thee,  O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

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