(KJV.) HABAKKUK 1.:-2-4
(2) O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
(3) Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.
(4) Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.
Brethren, Prophet Habakkuk is crying aloud to our Father, on behalf of his people; saying, "How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, violence! but you do not save?; currently, there are believers praying, crying out, questioning our Father, on behalves of persecuted, suffering and slain believers and unbelievers all over the world; for there are several evil incidences happening in this world everyday, minutes, seconds; at times we tend to wonder if our Father is aware and if he cares about our troubles; friends, let us be assured, that our Father is aware of all things, in his sovereignty; he cares about what happens to our souls?; therefore, he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16); however, we live in a world full of wheat and tares, Jesus told this parables to the multitude by the seaside, that when the sower sowed his good seed (wheat) in the field, while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away; when the good seeds germinated to bear fruits, the tares appeared as well. (Matt. 13:25-26); therefore, there are tares growing up together among the wheat of this generation, the wheat (good people) and tares (bad people); therefore, our Father is aware of what is going on in this world; however, he does not want to destroy the bad people now, per chance they will repent and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; for when he decides to destroy them, his vengeance of wrath will destroy both good and bad people together the same; therefore, he cautions the good people to continue to walk in righteousness; for there is a day set aside that he will judge the entire world with righteousness, on that day; Jesus Christ will separate the good people for himself, the bad ones to eternal damnation of fire.
Case in point; Jesus went on to explain to his disciples the parable of the tares, saying, (i) the sower is the Son of man, (Jesus); (ii) the field is the world; (iii) the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of wicked one; (iv) the enemy that sowed them is the devil; (v) the harvest is the end of the world; (vi) the reapers are the angels; therefore, when the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of the world; (Matt. 13); friends, our Father is aware of every evil works of men; but his ways are mysterious, no one can determines his ways; therefore, regardless of what happens in this world; let us trust and believe in our Father, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; if our Father knows about all things, and Jesus is in control of all things whether good or bad, then, he has a plan to work all things together for good, turn negative situations around, and use them for his own purposes; Apostle Paul of the New Testament killed so many Christian believers, but in the end, he was used mightily to proclaim the gospel; therefore, let us not be dismayed when hand of the enemy prevails against good people, but continue to trust in Jesus Christ, that he is in control of both good and bad situations; and his slain children are safe in Paradise; "For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from the eyes." (Revelation 7:17); therefore, let us wept away all tears from our eyes, but look up to Jesus, the author and finisher of our races on earth forevermore.
Brethren, our Father in not slow, tardy or insensitive to pass judgment on evil doers; when hands of wickedness seems to prevail over his righteous children, and they face injustices due to malfunction legalistic flaws in nations of the world; let us be assured that our Father never fails, he is righteous in all his ways, for he is not a respecter of man; he does not overlook injustices of men but in due times, our Father will prevail over his enemies, judge righteously and set his beloved children free forevermore.
Dearly beloved, judgment day is coming, when Jesus Christ shall separate the good people from the bad ones; for it is written in the scriptures; on that day, he will send forth his angels, they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity...And cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth....Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father: Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Matt. 13:41-43); therefore, let us have patience, trust Jesus Christ that he is in control; regardless of what he allows to happen, even in his own presence, there are reasons known to him, why things happen the way they do; and trust his judgment, that all things will work together for good, to those who believe and are called for his purposes forever and evermore. Have faith in him! Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) Psalm 22:1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken Me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?...O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent....
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