(KJV.) 2 CORINTHIANS 2:14-16
(14) Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
(15) For we are unto God a Sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.
(16) To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?
Brethren, let us give all glory to our Father at all times; for he allows us to overcome all obstacles, persecutions, and troubles of this world full of darkness; for, he gives us spirits of discernment to guide us to walk in righteousness and not in ungodliness of this fallen world; and as believers, our Father looks upon our souls as scented fragrances, in the garden of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; (i) some scented fragrances are already saved, but are among the garden of thorns and thistles, in this lost generation, struggling to overcome ungodliness of this fallen world; (ii) some scented fragrances are yet to be delivered into the righteousness of our Father through Jesus Christ but delaying themselves to come unto him, and are running out of time, for, Jesus is coming soon; (iii) other scented fragrances are either unsaved, or refused to be saved, and will suffer eternal damnation; for, they belong in the group of scented fragrances, that are dead, walking in ungodliness, and will die again, the second death in Hades damnation; if they refuse to repent, and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior; (iv) however, those scented fragrances, who walk in in faith, in the righteousness of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; they are those, who currently alive in him, because of the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, quickening their mortal bodies, and they will continue to live, even after they sleep in death, with Jesus Christ in heavenly places forevermore.
Case in point, in this context, Apostle Paul, gives glory to our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, (i) for his faithfulness, to grant them victories, make them over comers in all trails and persecutions; therefore, let us be grateful to our Father, praise and thank him always, for he takes good care of his children, the same; though we do not see his physical manifestations, spiritually, he is working on our behalves to bring all things together for good, for those who trust and believe in him and are called according to his purposes; therefore, as believers, we are covered under his umbrella of goodness and mercies; let us not fear, worry or lose hopes in anything, but be faithful in his righteousness into life everlasting; (ii) for, Apostle Paul, thank our Father for his guidance, and spirits of discernment, to know where to go and what to say and at appropriate times, to open up their mouths to speak his words; therefore, as believers, let us always talk to our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, about everything we do; before we make major decisions in life, our Father is there to listen to what we have to say or seek his counsel for in our lives; for whatever decision we make in life currently; those decision will determine what we will manifest in our future lives; whether we make secular decision or spiritual decisions; someday we will either have joy or sorrow at the end of our lives because of those decisions; therefore, let us make rightful choices in life.
Fruits of thoughts, Apostle Paul, describes how important and precious we are from our Father's own perspectives, by revelation of the Holy Spirit, Paul calls humanity Sweet savour of Christ; in other words, we are aromatic or scented fragrances inside the body of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; therefore, we are precious in our Father's eyes, we are his colorful flowers, when he looks upon us everyday, he is either pleased because we smell good, and we are doing our best to walk rightfully before him or displeased because we smell unpleasantly, and are walking in ungodliness, regardless, we are all his treasures in earthen vessels, he cares greatly about what happens to our souls and does not want any soul to inherit eternal damnation but life everlasting; therefore, let us try our best to please our Father, obey his words, have relationship with him, walk in righteousness, have scented fragrances within the body of Jesus Christ, praise and adore him for all his goodness and mercies that endures in our lives forever; (iv) Apostle Paul, elaborates on our current walk of life; regarding saved or unsaved people; he said, to those who are saved, and are walking in the righteousness of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, they already have salvation and life everlasting; no worries!; however, to the unbelievers and unsaved people, they will receive punishments for their ungodliness and eternal damnation in Hades; therefore, as believers, called out of darkness into marvelous lights of our Father through the blood of Jesus Christ shed on cross of Calvary; let us continue to walk in faith, believe, in his righteousness, pray, read his words, which is the sword of the spirit, light among darkness and our spiritual guidance in this life; forgive, show love and care for one another, live peaceably with all men; for, the end is drawing near, the day of rapture is fast approaching, when suddenly trumpets will sound in heavenly places; and our deeds on earth will determine, if we are worthy, to meet with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior in the skies, and live with him in eternal glory forevermore.
Dearly beloved, if we are our Father's Sweet savour in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, then, we are precious indeed! for, the psalmist said; "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." (Psalm 139:14); therefore, let us not put ourselves down, but feel good about ourselves; appreciate who we are, our gifts and talents, not compare ourselves to others; for we are all unique and possess divers gifts and talents, and differs in frames, colors and beauties; we are not equally made but are all precious in the eyes of our Father; therefore, regardless of what our shortcomings are, let us cheer up ourselves, and be thankful, grateful to our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; he knows and sees everything, feels our emotions; and working to bring everything in alignment to his will in our lives; let us be patient, pray and praise him; trust Jesus Christ; that favorable days are coming, when all things will work together perfectly and we will receive multiple blessings, peace, and joy forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) 1 Corinthians 1:1 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
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