
Wednesday, December 31, 2014


(KJV.)  NUMBERS 6:22-27

(22)  And the LORD spake unto Mo'-ses, saying,
(23)  Speak unto Aar'on and unto his sons,  saying,  On this wise ye shall bless the children of Is'ra-el, saying unto them,
(24)  The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
(25)  The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
(26)  the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
(27)  And they shall put my name upon the children of Is'ra-el; and I will bless them.


Brethren, the Father loves his chosen ones so much that he designed his own covenanted prayers of blessings for them, he gave the prayers to Moses to be given to Aaron the High Priest, directing him on how to bless his chosen ones; today, wherever this prayers are rendered on planet earth through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the LORD will honor his covenanted blessings upon his children.

Case in point, we are all children and descendants of Abraham, Father of all Nations; therefore, this covenanted blessings applies to each and everyone who will honor his words, believe in him and walk in godliness; for the LORD of hosts, is the same, yesterday, today and forever, whatever he promises to do, he does;  in this text, the LORD said, to receive my blessings, pray this format upon my children;  (24)  The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;  brethren, blessings and protections are already made available by the Father, let us decree with our own mouths authorities given by the Name of Jesus to manifest the Grace upon our lives;  (25)  The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:  believers, victories and favors has been given by the LORD for his children to decree into manifestations; currently, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is shinning his lights of glories upon our paths in the faith of his righteousness, to keep his children out of perils and dangers of this world and to direct our ways into godliness, favors, open doors and blessings everlasting. Grace!


Points to ponder,  let us beware that our Peace is from the Father of all creation and not from our own human efforts; therefore, let us seek inner peace from him alone by reading of his words and praying all our fears unto him through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  ponder point, (26)  the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.  that is, the Father will look upon us with facial expressions of pleasantness and approvals from throne of grace that we are his beloved children, grant us freedom from enemy oppression and suppression of guilt and condemnations, strives and warfare; but rather, give us harmonious and tranquility livings with rightful behaviors, attitudes and love towards one another in his presence forevermore.

Fruits of thoughts, it is very important that every time we attend worship services, when services are over, we receive closings prayers of blessings from our elders; though we are already blessed of the LORD;  the following verse stresses the point that it is a necessary part of every service to bless the worshipers; the LORD said, (27)  And they shall put my name upon the children of Is'ra-el; and I will bless them.  at a time, the LORD was referring to the nation of Is'ra-el; but believers of today are also descendants of Abraham, Father of all Nations, therefore, we are also partakers of this grace and by the sacred blood redemption of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, we are also joint heirs and have life everlasting.


Brethren, today, the Prince of Peace is with us, who is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; therefore, we already have our blessings, protections, favors, salvation, grace, peace and life everlasting.  Let us pray them into manifestations and not worry about anything but enjoy ourselves in Jesus Christ forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  James 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

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