(KJV.) ACTS 10:34-35
(34) Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
(35) But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Brethren, truly! let us be aware that the LORD of hosts does not value anyone on planet earth as too important to face his disciplines or chastisements when they disobey his orders or wrongly mistreat others; but will manifest his supremacy to humble or punish, to make them aware that they are not of their own selves on planet earth and are not in charge of any of his creations: for, he is the Father and we are his children and dwell in his presence at all times, day or night: he sees our movements. knows our frame of minds and hears our conversations; and those who humble themselves and reverence him as LORD of hosts, and follow after morally good characteristics are approved of him as beloved sons and daughters.
Case in point, Cornelius the centurion was a just man, and feared the Lord and have good report among his people; as he fasted and prayed an angel of the Lord appeared unto him and asked him to send for Simon Peter who will speak to him; before, Simon Peter would not have gone closer to Cornelius because it was unlawful for a Jew to associate with any other tribe or nations; however, Simon Peter, had a vision from the Lord not to call any man common or unclean; so, he went to see Cornelius; when he got there, he said (i) truly, God is no respecter of persons, that means, the Lord sees all humanity as his children, regardless of our differences, genders, believes, races or ethnic backgrounds we are all the same before him; for he does not look on our colors, structures or statuses but deals with only our hearts and if we misbehave ourselves before him, he will correct us regardless of who we are in him; (ii) but in every nation, he that feareth him, as believers, it is important for us to reverence the Lord at all times; though naked eyes cannot see him, let us be mindful of his presence as we walk and talk to one another in his presence at all times; (iii) and worketh righteousness, the Lord is happy when we try to live godly lives, with rightful thinking and morally good behaviors; therefore, let us love one another as ourselves; (iv) is accepted by him, it does not matter who we are today short, tall, young or old; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will accept us as his chosen people; if we repent of all our sins and receive him into our hearts as Lord and Savior, we will receive salvation, grace and life everlasting.
Brethren, we are all children of the Father, living in one habitation, which is the planet earth; the Father looks at his children from heavenly perspective: if humanity were given children, as Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel; if Cain killed his brother Abel, it does not mean that Cain is no longer son of Adam and Eve?; he was still their first born son because of blood relationship, they cannot disown him as their son though he killed his brother Abel; today, the Father of all creation looks down to planet earth from heavenly places upon his children as his own likeness; though, some of his children maybe of perdition; he cannot disown them as children, they are still his, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, but are blindfolded by the enemy to lead them into damnation and they continue to wobble in iniquities; however, because of the blood of Jesus, which was shed on behalves of humanity, their sins are already forgiven, only they have to repent and receive Jesus Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior: other children of the Lord had already known the truth that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, have accepted him and are enjoying his grace freely and life everlasting.
Dearly beloved, today, the choice is ours, we can choose to fear the Lord and walk in faith through his righteousness or we can go our own different ways and waste rest of our lives in the hands of the adversary; as one year rolls by and another comes along, we are getting closer to ends of our lives; let us be mindful of where we are going when we sleep in death; what are we doing today to free ourselves from bondage of sins? Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior already suffered, died and rose again on behalves of humanity; regardless of who we are, if our hearts are right with the Lord and accept him as Lord and Savior, no matter what our past behaviors were, he will accept us into his arms of salvation as chosen sons and daughters and joint heirs of eternity; for he is the Prince of Peace and Lord of all! Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
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