
Friday, September 5, 2014


(KJV.)  ROMANS 9:14:18

(14)  What shall we say then?  Is there unrighteousness with God?  God forbid.
(15)  For he saith to Moses,  I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy,  and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
(16)  So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
(17)  For the scripture saith unto Phar-aoh,  Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
(18)  Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and who he will he hardeneth.


Brethren, when the LORD, makes his mind on doing his will on this planet earth, it is in his own sovereignty on what he will accomplish through his chosen vessels to do that which he wills;  his reasons for doing things cannot be disputed by anyone;  because he is the Almighty creator of all things including mankind.

The Lord is not unjust in exercising his will on earth, though it seems be so;  when he decides to fashion or form things, he does it by his own will, not by human imaginations;  the same way, he chooses to manifest in the lives of,  (i)  those who will be his vessels for his use;  (ii)  those who he will show his tender loving kindnesses to;   (iii)  those who he will sympathize with when in troubles;  (iv)  those he will forsake as his own children;  all these are done in his will;  therefore, when he chooses to do a new thing in this world, it is not in our provocative to question his will or wisdom, or take credit for what he had already decided to do through us;  it is not what we know how to do or can do right that we are chosen as vessels for his usage but it is because of his compassion and preferences among his children;  for, he toughens other children hearts towards him to go against his will on planet earth so he could have the opportunity to destroy them forever.

Brethren, the Lord is still in control of his creation forever;  for, with the same concept, he raised up Phar-aoh, king of Egypt at the time of his servant Moses, to manifest his sovereignty and his capability to control his own creation and after accomplishing his will to manifest his powers in Egypt, he destroyed him and his army, that his Holy Name might be feared from generation to generation;  he also raised up Samson in the book of Judges, and gave him heavenly powers and used him as a weapon of warfare to fight against the Philistines, because of his chosen nation of Israel;  however, the Lord may seem unfair in dealing with some of his children, he is not!  he does things for reasons best known only to him and his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Brethren, every soul on this planet earth, is designed for a purpose and may be on a mission for the Lord,  (i)  some souls do have greater assignments to accomplish on this earth than others; regardless, all souls possess talents designed and implanted in their spirits by the Lord, to accomplish his purposes on earth;  (ii)  some souls from childhood will display one talent or another;  they will display good talents in building Lego blocks, boldly handling difficult tasks or solving problems; those strengths are implanted in their blueprints of life;  (iii)  some souls are gifted with talents to work mathematics while others can only do good in geography lessons,  all souls differ in gifts and talents;  however, with today technologies, we can study to achieve anything if we put our minds to achieve them;  however, later on in life, we may feel discontent in our career paths and may not enjoy life to the fullest as the Lord intended us to enjoy our labors, because we chose to bury our god-given talents under the sun forever.


Brethren,  today, we know for sure that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is in control of every things both on earth and in heaven;  (a)  let us study carefully to unveil our gifts and talents, and work towards restoring those talents to use them for reasons why they were given unto us;  no matter how young or old we are in this life today, it is not too late to explore other career avenues and be happy in doing what we were to do with our god-given talents;  (b)  also let us study our younger children to know what types of gifts are within their souls, and pray to the Lord for his help and guidance to encourage and lead them into their future career paths;  (c) some children at early stages in life will sing, play drums, or love to draw and color;  please do not get me wrong, not every childhood acts are gifts or talents for career paths;  however, if we seek the wisdom of the Lord in prayers on what types of encouragements to give our children, the Lord will answer our prayers, because they are his and from him, and he already given them the talents in their blueprints before they were born;  he will reveal their gifts to help us groom them in his will so they do not struggle in wrong career choices in life.

Brethren,  Jesus is merciful and gracious, he does not deal with us according to our sins, he is full of compassion that when we are overburden with issues of life, he feels sad for our souls; regardless of where we are in life today;  whatever may be our losses, loss of employments, loss of houses, loss of family members, loss of  savings, loss of hopes, loss of joy and happiness;  Jesus is saying to us;  "my children all those things that are making you sorrowful are not really important in my kingdom;  leave them alone, let them perish with the wind, seek me first and my righteousness through faith and all things both in heaven and on earth shall be ours forever and evermore".  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Jeremiah 32:27  Behold,  I am the LORD,  the God of all flesh:  is there any thing too hard for me?


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