
Friday, September 19, 2014


(KJV.)  PSALMS 143:8-10

(8)  Cause me to hear thy loving-kindness in the morning;  for in thee do I trust:  cause me to know the way wherein I should walk;  for I lift up my soul unto thee.
(9)  Deliver me,  O  LORD,  from mine enemies;  I flee unto thee to hide me.
(10) Teach me to do thy will;  for thou art my God:  thy spirit is good;  lead me into the land of uprightness.


Brethren,  may the LORD, give us reasons to hear his tender and benevolent affections every morning;  for we believe in him;  may he give us reasons to know our paths, with his sense of directions;  for we uphold our souls unto him:  O God!  set us free from our enemies,  for we ran away from danger to you for protection:  give us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to execute your commandments;  for you are our LORD of hosts;  because of your righteousness, guide our ways into realms of godliness all the days of our lives.

Brethren,  from this prayer context, we know that David offered this prayer in the morning;  he sought for sense of direction, deliverance and wisdom of the LORD of hosts;  (i)  he needed to feel the presence of the LORD, to know that he will protect and direct his ways throughout the day;  (ii)  he sought his guidance because he trusted in him with all his heart, soul, and body and knew that the LORD will lead him not into temptations but will deliver him from all evil;  (iii)  he sought the LORD for deliverance and protection because he knew that the LORD, will shield him from fiery darts of his enemies;  (iv)  he also sought for wisdom to ran away from his attackers, and to execute the commandments of the LORD,  in his righteousness and everlasting peace.


Case in point,  David was a man after God's own heart, (Acts 13:22);  he sought the LORD, with all his heart, soul and body, sang and praised the LORD even in persecutions, and tribulations; he trusted in the Lord still;  these godly actions pleased the LORD, and David gained his favors, his deliverance, and protections throughout his life;  and from generations to generations, his lineage are blessed forever;  therefore,  (a)  let us also seek the Lord everyday with prayers and adoration, reading and studying of his word, and trust him to take control of our lives;  (b)  let us seek his guidance to be at right places at right times, not to collide with unforeseen dangers or circumstances of this world;  (c)  let us seek the Lord's protection from infiltration spirits, road accidents, stray bullets, perils and dangers of this world, and his light of salvation to shine upon our paths all day and at all times;  (d)  let us pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding to execute our duties and responsibilities and bear fruits righteousness in this perverse generation; (e)  let us seek gifts of the Holy Spirit, to dwell richly in our souls, to show positive examples to all people that Christ lives in us, that we are in him, and persevere in the faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ til the end of our days.

Fruits of thought;  if we believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and trust him with all our hearts souls, and bodies;  and lean not on our own understanding but lean on him for guidance, protections, victories, providence, blessings, and salvation and for all other blessings;  read his word, obey his commandment to love one another as ourselves, fear him and worship the LORD Almighty, King of all creation in the beauty of his holiness;  the Lord will be delighted in us, and will grant us favors and heavenly blessings, our names will written in the book of life, and we will inherit life everlasting.


Brethren, today, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is directing our ways into his righteousness; he is calling all humanity to come to repentance, and receive him as Lord and Savior and enjoy his grace freely;  he is the rock of our salvation, our banner and protector;  therefore, let us ran unto him and receive salvation today, before it is too late;  he is coming soon!  are we ready for him?  let us not waste time any longer but proceed into his arms of peace and eternity;  he is the King of Kings and Lord of all Lords;  who reigns both in heaven and on earth;  and his Kingdom is forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Hosea 6:1  COME,  and let us return unto the LORD:  for he hath torn,  and he will heal us;  he hath smitten,  and he will bind us up.


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