
Thursday, September 4, 2014


(KJV.)  JEREMIAH 9:23-24

(23)  Thus saith the LORD,  Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,  neither let the mighty man glory in his might,  let not the rich man glory in his riches:
(24)  But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me,  that I am the LORD which exercise loving-kindness,  judgment,  and righteousness, in the earth:  for in these things I delight,  saith the LORD.


Brethren,  in this context, the LORD, declares one of his major attributes as the Almighty God;  and would like mankind to know how powerful his spoken words were during creation, how mysterious his thoughts and ways are this day, his sovereignty, his purposes and manifestations both in heaven and on earth;  he would like us to be aware of his existence, fear, obey, reverence and worship him alone forever;  for, he is worthy of our praises everyday;  he is the KING and LORD of all the earth!

Brethren, the following three attributes of the LORD, are being manifested on this earth, and in our lives everyday;  (a)  his tender loving-kindnesses never fails, he takes care of his children regardless of our shortcomings;  if we transgress against him and acknowledge our shortcomings, his mercies will manifest, his loving arms of peace and love will envelope us, and assure us that he understands and will not hold our iniquities against us but will  help us to go and sin no more but try to walk in his righteousness by the help of our counselor the Holy Spirit;   (b)  the LORD is the judge of all judges;  when we are treated unfairly in any type of situation, he knows our predicaments, and in due time, will take absolutely control of our reproaches and set us free from bondage by his blood, if we trust and believe in him;  for the LORD has the ability to make decisions both in heaven and on earth by his sovereignty and will;  and on judgment day, no one can overthrow his decrees;  (c)  the LORD is morally good in all his ways;  not partial in dealing with humanity, he is genuine and excellent in all his ways.


Brethren,  everyone on this earth is gifted for the glorification of the LORD through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  therefore,  (i)  those of us who are gifted with wisdom, let us always be eager to share our talents with others, when we receive praises of men;  let us thank the LORD and give him the glory;  for manifesting his knowledge through our lives;  he is the giver of all good things, both in heavens and on planet earth;  (ii)  If we are gifted with strength and powers to rule,  let us not use our gifts to terrorize or antagonize people, but exercise our gifts with humility and respect to others we rule over, and not with arrogance and prideful attitudes towards our fellow men;  for the giver of all things, the LORD of hosts watches our actions everyday;  (iii)  If we are gifted with riches of this earth, let us share our money and possessions with the poor and needy,  if we do so, the Lord will replenish us abundantly, and our blessings will continue to multiply itself  from generations to generations our lineage will not lack anything forever.
However,  if the need arises for us to brag on achievements in this life, let us remember the giver and doer of all things, the LORD of hosts and boost in him first through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  for it is through him and by his grace that we are who we are today;  let us give him the glory for all things are given freely to us by his goodness and mercies that never fails;  also, he takes pleasure in those who give praises and adoration to him;  King David receive grace, he was the man after God's own heart because he trusted in the LORD, wrote songs of praises, sang and played the harp before him everyday, even through trails and tribulations;  he gave the LORD, all the glory!

Brethren,  one of the most important aspect of a believer in the Lord, is to seek his face everyday through prayers, hearings or reading of his words, to know who he is, how he manifests his will in our lives and on planet earth;  the LORD will not hide anything from his children who seek after him with all our hearts, souls, and bodies;  but will reveal hidden secrets of his nature, his will on this earth, things yet to manifest on earth and heavenly places;  therefore, let us seek to know him more, his purposes and will forever;  for he said, "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart". (Jeremiah 29:13).

Lastly,  these attributes are actions we believers ought to emulate;  for through Christ Jesus, we receive unworthy grace freely, to access his throne and inherit everlasting life;  today,  let us count ourselves blessed children, no matter what our predicaments are, we are not failures and forsaken by the Lord, he is thinking good thoughts about us this minute, thoughts on how to work things out for good for those who believe and trust in him by his blood;  let us not feel deserted in the storms of life;  it only a test!  we are to take the exams of life and pass the test successfully;  for, when the darker days are over, we will shine again by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, and receive crowns of glories, salvation and everlasting life.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Luke 11:9  And I say unto you,  Ask, and it shall be given you;  seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

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