
Tuesday, January 12, 2016


(KJV.)  JEREMIAH 1:6-8

(7)  But the LORD said unto me,  Say not,  I am a child:  for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.
(8)  Be not afraid of their faces:  for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD.
(9)  Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth.  And the LORD said unto me,  Behold,  I have put my words in thy mouth.


Brethren, every soul walking on planet earth, is on a mission for our Father;  before souls are born on earth, they are given assignments on earth; souls do not choose their own assignments, which parts of the world to be born, or what families to brought forth in; Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is the ruler of all things of heaven and on earth; he is the one who determines who does what, who goes where, and with what assignment;  at times, he reveals himself through the spirits, specifically to instruct souls of their assignments on earth; though souls are given assignments on earth before birth, not all souls remember to do what they were supposed to do on earth; many times, souls walk around spiritual mountains, in desert places, confused and frustrated, trying to figure out what their assignments are in life, and are sidetracked by the enemy of our souls, to relax, enjoy themselves, become unfruitful with their gifts and talents until they sleep in death;  case in point;  if a soul was designed with wisdom, gifts and talents to be a significant personality in the medical field;  however, the same soul lost his destiny by choosing to be an engineer instead;  what will happen to his or her assignment, wisdom, gifts and talents?;  this is a point to ponder on!

In this chapter, the word of the LORD came to Prophet Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah; saying, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.  Then Jeremiah said, Ah, Lord God!  behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.: why would Jeremiah answer our Father this way?;  I believe that he hesitated, because he was afraid of the people:  brethren, if we have been chosen, anointed and commissioned by creator of all things, including humanity; then we ought to do what we have been called to do, without fear of persecutions or reproaches of foes; for, our Father has power over all his creation, including humanity, and will not leave his chosen people alone, but will support them with his power and might;  in this case, our Father said unto Jeremiah, in other words, "Do not say, I am a child; because you will go to everyone that I send thee, and whatever I direct, you will speak unto them.";  therefore, when we receive words of our Father, to be given unto his children, let us speak boldly, minister his word truthfully, reprove with words of improvements and encourage with words of inspirations; nothing more, nothing less:  our Father encouraged Jeremiah saying, "Do not be afraid of their faces; because I am with you to set you free.";  great is our Father, and greatly to be praised!;  this is an encouragement to all servants of our Father, let us be bold and brave in our callings, our Father is on our sides, who can be against us?;  No one can!;  furthermore, our Father stretched forth his hand, touched Jeremiah's mouth , said unto him;  "I have put my words in your mouth.";  brethren, if we carry words of our Father, in our innermost spirits, to be given to humanity; we have a job to do for Jesus Christ in this world of darkness;  therefore, let us gird up our loins of powers, shod on our feet, staffs in our hands, and be ready to march forward as soldier of Christ into all nations of the world, preach his words, bring souls into salvation and life everlasting;  are we ready?  

In the book of Exodus chapter 6;  Moses the servant of our Father, was called to speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to let the children of Israel go out of his land;  Moses replied to our Father, saying, Behold, the children of Israel have not hearkened unto me; how then shall king Pharaoh hear me, who am of uncircumcised lips?; Moses hesitated,  because he was a stamerra, and could not speak fluently;  but our Father knew that about him, before he called him to the task;  therefore, our Father provided help, gave him Aaron his brother, to be his spokesperson, send them to Pharaoh king of Egypt; when Pharaoh arrogated himself, he brought him down with signs and wonders and set his children free from bondage:  brethren,  our Father knows who we are in the spirits, before he called us into his vineyards; therefore, as chosen generation, let us do his will diligently, there is nothing to fear or have anxieties in him; it is all settled before we were called to the tasks;  therefore, let us be strengthen by his might, do his will wholeheartedly, cheerfully and receive eternal rewards, crown of glories forever and evermore.


Dearly beloved,  let us have faith in our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  and not be afraid of haters, or have any doubtful mind regarding our Father, for his ways are mysterious:   as humanity,  many times, we have the tendency to doubts our Father, who he really is, his strengths, might in his own sovereignty;  he is the great "I AM", Incomprehensible, Incomparable, Omniscient, Almighty; the one and only true, righteousness, merciful and gracious Father, who mercies endures forevermore: and in perfect control of his creation;  therefore, let us obey his words, worship and have faith in him; accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Lord and Savior; believe in him, walk in the faith of his righteousness, have salvation, grace, hope and eternal lives,  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Numbers  22:20:  And God came unto Balaam at night, and said unto him,  If the men come to call thee rise up, and go with them; but yet the word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do.

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