(KJV.) LUKE 16:22-24
(22) And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
(23) And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
(24) And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
Brethren, every given moments of our lives on earth are recorded in heavenly places; the way in which we reverence our Father, interact with one another, whether in the secular world, or friends and family circles, our love, spirits of meekness and kind gestures for future reviews before throne of grace; our negative or positive actions and behaviors are recorded momentarily; therefore, let us love and care for one another, give to the poor and needy, feed the hungry food and water to drink, in this winter season, let us not think about ourselves alone, but think about other people as well; call to check up on the elderly, make sure they are in warmer environments, if they need help for groceries, ran errands for them, endeavor to provide shelters for the homeless on side streets, warmer blankets to cover up themselves, visit the elderly in nursing homes, the sick in hospital beds and incarcerated behind prison bars, pray for them: if we observe our fellow brothers and sisters in predicaments, it is our duties and responsibilities to reach out in good faith, touch their lives, help them, minister words of comforts into their hearts, with the love of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, share our blessings, do everything possible to uplift their souls from torments, worries and anxieties; for our kindly gestures are not done in vain; whatever we do to any soul on earth, we shall be rewarded in heavenly places forevermore, whether negative or positive gestures.
Jesus told his disciples about the rich man and a beggar named Lazarus; who laid at his gate, with sores all over his body, always looking for something to eat from the crumbs fallen off the rich man's table and dogs licked his sores; eventually they both died, Lazarus went to the innermost courts of Father Abraham; because while he was on earth suffering, our Father bowls yearned, felt his pains and agonies, watched what the rich man will do about his predicaments; the rich man did nothing to help him, but rather ignored him completely, continued to enjoy himself; people of this world; let us be careful, watch out! how we treat others, who are below our statuses and affluent circles; we are on heavenly camera!
When our Father observed the rich man's behavior towards Lazarus, when he died he sent his soul into damnation; while in torments, he lift his eyes and saw Father Abraham beyond and Lazarus the beggar in his innermost courts; cried to Father Abraham for mercy and requested Lazarus to deep the tip of his finger in water, come over to his side and cool his tongue, because of torments flames of hell; Father Abraham said unto him, in other words, "Son, do you remember that in your lifetime on earth, you received good things and enjoyed yourself, while Lazarus suffered with evil things; so now, he is comforted, whiles you are tormented in damnation; regardless, we cannot do anything for you, there is an abyss, a great barrier between us, that those who are on your side are not able to come over here, vice versa:"; furthermore, the rich man requested that Father Abraham, would sent Lazarus to his father's house on earth to warn his five brothers, to mend their ways, and avoid Hades damnation; therefore, when we hear preachers preached truthful words of our Father, let us not get offended, it for our own good to know what is right from wrong and make rightful choices of life: endeavor to walk in the righteousness of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; hell is real , so is heavenly places; someday, every soul will be held accountable for their behaviors and actions while on earth, before the throne of grace in heavenly places.
Dearly beloved, how we live in this world of darkness matters to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; regardless of how rich or poor we are, let us know that we are being watch, heavenly cameras are rolling over our movements on planet earth; whatever we do, determines our rewards in eternity; be ye good or bad, we shall reap whatever we sow on earth; therefore, it is important to love and care for one another, encourage, inspire and uplift one another as we serve our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; if we are in negative circumstances, let us confine in Jesus Christ, who sends help through other people to shines lights of mercy upon those who trust, believe and reach out to him for help; let us come unto him with all our labors and heavy laden, he cares, died and rose again from the tomb, conquered world of darkness on behalves, we are more than victorious today, forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) Matthew 24:41: Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
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