
Tuesday, October 27, 2015


(KJV.)  2 TIMOTHY 2:19-21

(19)  Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure,  having this seal,  The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
(20)  But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth;  and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
(21)  If a man therefore purge himself from these, be shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.


Brethren, we authenticate ourselves by who we are in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; regardless, the establishment of our Father holds firmly its grounds on planet earth, will never fail, but secured forever, with an authenticity of judgment, justice and holiness; and by obedience of his statutes, our Father identifies those who are truly his;  therefore, let our attitudes and behaviors portray who we really are as believers of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, refrain from ungodly attributes without moral or spiritual values; instead, walk in love, forgive, minister, inspire and encourage one another, serve our Father with all our hearts, do unto others, as we would like others do unto us.(Luke 6:31), and live peaceably with all men in the presence of our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Our Father is flavorful!; in his establishments on earth, he anoints, empowers and sets aside human containers of specialties to hold his spiritual powers for his purposes to accomplish on planet earth; some of these containers of specialties are more precious in his eyes than others:  case in point, in our dinning rooms, we have plates, cutlery, cups and napkins for everyday usage;  and we also, set aside for special occasions, beautiful, expensive China plates, gold or silver cutlery and embroidery linen napkins;  however, we will not use set aside kitchen utensils for everyday meals, to cook and serve special occasion dinners' would we?;  the same concepts, applies to our Father's anointing workers of his vineyard; he anoints human vessels, sets them aside, for either his everyday usage or for special assignments in the vineyard of glory; for example, David was anointed a King of Israel, while King Saul was still on the throne;: (1 Samuel 15:13); our Father anointed Jeremiah from his mother's womb, sanctified and ordained him as a Prophet to nations, before he was born: (Jeremiah 1:5); etc...some of these chosen vessels are made of gold, others of silver; then also of wood and of earth; depending on assignments and spirituality: however, some vessels he honors and others he dishonors: whether we are anointed as any of these objects mentioned in the text above, with more or less anointing glories given, but we are all precious in his eyes;  however, he anoints some containers with higher glories than others, and specially anoints containers, according to contents of their hearts, faiths, usages, reasons and purposes of their callings in his vineyard of his glory:  therefore, he anoints containers to preach his words, others as deacons and deaconess, Sunday school teachers, musicians, graphic operators, ushers, parking lots traffic directors etc.. however, the question we need to ask ourselves is, why does he honor or dishonor some of his own anointed vessels?

As believers, at times we get carried away by our anointing glories and dishonor our Father;  you may ask how?;  the answer is, after we must have receive his anointing, but backslide into our old sinful natures, do whatever we desires, and not follow after his purposes, walk in self righteousness, allow spirits of arrogance and pride into our spirits, to take control of the anointing powers of the Holy Spirit residing in our innermost spirits, and we begin to demean people we ought to love, serve, encourage, minister and bring along into the last boat of salvation, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and life everlasting;  we fall from grace to grass, and give our Father reasons to dishonor his own chosen vessels of honor;  for example, when King Saul, disobey our Father, he dishonored him, (1 Samuel 13:13), gave his throne to David the shepherd boy; therefore, our Father dishonors anyone who dishonors him; for he not a respecter of men, and will not count us among his beloved vessels of glory; though, we were anointed with the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit; our Father will not delight himself in us, our anointing will be of no value before him, because it has being contaminated with unrighteousness; if we honor him, he will intend honor us, prove us as chosen vessels of glories, and grant us victories over our enemies, protect our lives from perils and dangers of this world and shower us with earthly and heavenly blessings forevermore; however, blood of Jesus covers all sins, repent and believe the gospel, have life everlasting.

Therefore, as we have known our Father, and he knows us as his beloved children; let us walk in his righteousness, purify ourselves from all works of ungodliness, have respect for our Father, fear and reverence him, obey his words, love and have respect for one another; for, whatever we do on this earth, as chosen vessels, positively or negatively it reflects on how our Father honors us;  if we honor him, honor our fellow brothers and sisters, we will receive back the same honors;  therefore, let us put our Father, his Son Jesus Christ, promptness of the Holy Spirit first in everything we do, honor and adore them, so we can be honored, purified and readily available as soldiers of Christ, to do his goodwill on earth and thereafter in heavenly places.


Dearly beloved,  our Father knows those who are his; therefore, let us be shinning examples, sons and daughters of the Kingdom, representing our Father on earth, be outstanding vessels of honors, be truthful and authentic, perform our duties and responsibilities with humility and respect for our brothers and sisters; walk in love, let our "yeses" be "yeses" and "Nos" be "Nos"; stand firmly in the faith of his righteousness; honor our Father, his Son Jesus Christ, so we may inherit covenanted blessings and promises of our Father,  and hereafter, be joint heirs with Jesus Christ forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Isaiah 52:11;  Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing;  go ye out of the midst of her;  be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the LORD.      

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