
Monday, October 26, 2015


(KJV.)  PROVERBS 20:24

(24)  Man's goings are of the LORD;  how can a man then understand his own way?


Brethren, as humanity, from conception to birth, youthful and adolescence years, our parents plan, monitor our lives; when we enter into adulthood, we take over our own responsibilities, set agendas on what to do and pathways to life destinations;  at times, without seeking the mind of our Father, to know our purposes, we miss our god-given pathways in life;  though, many times we make wrongful choices in life, our Father is merciful, it is never too late to get back into his will, if we find out that we have lost our pathways in life; for in his way of righteousness, there is life; and in his pathways there is no death but salvation, grace, peace and life everlasting.

Case in point, read and listen carefully to what our Father said to Prophet Jeremiah in Chapter 1:5; Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.";  therefore, our Father forms human embryos beginning from conceptions to delivery, he gives them breath of life, knows their frames, names and characteristics, what they will be future, before they were born; therefore, our lives are not ours, but belongs to him; it is by his grace that we are able to rise up in the mornings, and walk to and fro on earth, not by our own physical strengths;  before birth, our Father purifies souls, consecrates those who are his servants and given different assignments for glorification of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  lastly, all souls differs in interests, what may excite one souls, might not excite the others; therefore, it is necessary, even for dating couples to study each other carefully to know if they are compatible to each other before they enter into holy matrimony, and as parents, we ought to study to know what interests our children, and guide them into rightful pathways, pray, ask for sense of directions for our adolescence children and let our Father take absolute control of their lives.

In this world of darkness, there are so many distractions, everybody wants to copy what everybody is doing, whether negative or positive attitudes; so long as it is acceptable to society and becomes norms we go for it;  however, life on earth is planned by our Father from heaven before birth and it is given to humanity as gift by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  therefore, we are not to waist our lives on distractions of this world of darkness; but rather, seek our Father to know what our designed destines are, walk in his purposes with faith in his righteousness, have salvation and life everlasting: for, it is written in the book of 1 Corinthians 10:23;  "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient, all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.";  therefore, let us not follow multitudes blindly and copy negative attitudes of this fallen world; if we know our purposes in life, it is time to focus, pay attention to guiding lights of the Holy Spirit and get things done before it is too late, and we fly away to rest; for our Father looks up for those who fear and obey his words, and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;  for, our pathways are not designed by our own human purposes, but heavenly designed purposes to accomplish our Father's will on earth;  therefore, if we take wrongful pathways and are lost in transits of life;  let us call upon our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, to redirects our footsteps back into his purposes into eternity.


Dearly beloved, if we do not allow the Holy Spirit to direct our pathways in life; at times, we become matured adults, but find out that we spent most of our strengths in wrongful vocations in life, and we struggles to accelerate into higher potentials; whereas, if we are able to locate our god-given gifts and talents, perform our duties on earth as our Father designed to be; we become outstanding and are happy in what we do;  whether, we become lawyers, physicians, pilots, preachers, painters etc., we are all serving our Father as we serve others with our gifts and talents and have not missed our pathways in life, for, Jesus Christ uses each and every soul to do his purposes on earth, collectively we serve our heavenly Father;  therefore, what can we do without him?  Nothing!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Jeremiah 10:23;  O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself:  it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.    

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