(21) Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee.
(22) For oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others.
Brethren, as humanity, iniquities inhabits our innermost spirits from conception unto birth; for King David, prayed; "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."; therefore, regardless of our lineages, whether from affluent or non affluent, believing or unbelieving families, we were born in bundle of iniquities; how? because of Adam and Eve's disobedience to our Father in the garden of Eden, refer to Genesis chapter 3; therefore, we cannot change who we really are until we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Savior, then the Holy Spirit takes control of our sinful natures, purge them away from our innermost spirits, transform our lives into godliness, to inherit eternity; however, before we receive the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, we are not convicted about negative attributes, but feel normal about ungodliness of this world of darkness, however, when the spirit of truth enters into our innermost spirits, all of the sudden, our innermost eyes are opened, we begin to experience positive changes, gain spirits of discernment and refrain ourselves from ungodliness, walk in the righteousness of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior..
Case in point, at times, we have to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to walk away from traps and entanglements of the enemy by ignoring derogatory remarks from other people; ignore, pretend like we are deaf, and not pay attentions to what was spoken, behave ourselves wisely, walk away from scenes of evil, avoid confrontations, silently commune with the Holy Spirit, to take absolute control of our emotions, attitudes and behaviors, but pray for our offenders; whether those remarks are positives to uplift our lives or negatives to breakdown our spirits, regardless, if those remarks were made indirectly against us, they were not for our hearings and counteractions; let us ignore them completely, keep on doing what we do, at the best of our abilities and be outstanding individuals, make a difference as lights of this world of darkness.
Humanity in general, sometimes we find ourselves among people who nurture habits of gossiping, back-biting, and provoking others, they like to cause havoc among brethren, where there is peace and harmony; as believers, if we find ourselves among such groups of people, let us not join the multitudes to do evil against one another, but rather stay cool, calm, collective, and stay away from such ungodliness, and know that as they hurt others in their absence, they will do the same to one another; therefore, let us be careful of who we associate ourselves with in this world of darkness; if we pay attention to whatever other people say about us, we cannot focus on what to do for them, it is the tactics of the enemy to distract and derail our missions by focusing on his evil hindrances; let us not allow him into our focuses but focus entirely on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, he rebukes the enemy on our behaves, knowingly or unknowingly, Jesus fought our battles on the cross, we are more than conquerors on this earth forevermore.
During the ministry of Jesus Christ, his enemies followed him wherever he went, listened to what he said, looked for faults from his speeches, whispered among themselves, he heard their words, knew their thoughts, but still ignored them, continued with his ministrations; therefore, as believers, let us not fight our own battles, but leave our haters in the hands of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light as chosen vessels of glory; our haters are his haters, battles are his battles, he already fought and prevailed over the enemy by his death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb, we are victorious forevermore: for example, in the book of Numbers chapter 12; Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman; because they were jealous of who he was, as our Father's mouth to mouth spokes person; and our Father heard them, became furious, called an emergency meeting in the Tabernacle of the congregation, defended Moses and punish Miriam by affliction of leprosy; this is an example of how our Father fights our battles; we do not have to fight our own battles when enemies rise up against us; therefore, any degrading words of the enemy spoken against our lives, we do not have to worry or defend ourselves; for our Father will fight our battles and we will hold on to our peace.
Brethren, let us learn how to ignore provoking and reproaching spirits, but rather focus on what matters most; love and pray for them, regardless of their short comings, that someday, they will allow the Holy Spirit into their hearts and be transformed into his righteousness: however, do not get me wrong, we were all sinners and at certain points of our lives, we may have acted in the same negatives manners, knowingly or unknowingly towards our fellow brothers and sisters, but are now saved by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; therefore, let us walk in his righteousness, but endeavor to pray for those who are still in darkness of this world as well, understand that they are in bondage of the enemy, when they make insulting, degrading, demeaning remarks, we ought to show love in return; for despite our everyday trespasses our father is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy; he gave his only begotten Son to shed his blood on the cross to pay for all our past, present and future sins; therefore, let us forgive our trespassers, disregard their negative comments and focus entirely on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Dearly beloved, let us not listen to idle words of idle people, but rather focus on being spiritual, walk in the shoes of Jesus Christ, know that we are his followers, his disciples faced persecutions, trails and martyrdom; if we follow him, we take upon his sufferings as well; but he is faithful and will not leave us alone; therefore, let us not pay attention to what enemies do, fear or worry about what we cannot control physically; but leave all battles in the hands of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, he is with us at all times and will not leave us alone in the hands of our enemies, but already fought our battles, we are victorious forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) Proverbs 30:10; Accuse not a servant unto his master; lest he curse thee, and thou be found guilty.
Thanks for sharing, as this was a spoken word of discernment and Godly wisdom. Blessings to you and Always Stay Encouraged!