
Wednesday, September 2, 2015


(KJV.)  1 JOHN 4:-6

(4)  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:  because greater is he that is in you,  than he that is in the world.
(5)  They are of the world:  therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.
(6)  We are of God:  he that knoweth God heareth us;  he that is not of God heareth not us.  Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and spirit of error.


Brethren, we know ourselves, that we are parts of our Father and joint heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; when Jesus Christ overcame the world by his sufferings, death and resurrection, we became over comers as well; why?; because, the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit was given to indwell hearts of believers, to testify that Jesus Christ is the Lord for the glorification of our Father in heaven; therefore, if we possess the most powerful Spirit which resurrected Jesus Christ back to life within our innermost spirits; he is the most greatest spirit of all spirits, and there is no other spirit in this world of darkness greater than him; therefore, let us know what we possess within our souls, know that we are not of ourselves in this world, but Spirit of Jesus Christ lives within our souls, if so, then we are greater than demonic infiltration spirits of this world; therefore, let us not be afraid when they attack our souls; but faith focus on our Father; know that we are not alone, but spirit of Jesus Christ resides within mortal bodies, therefore, we certainly have all the spiritual support in this world and the world to come to stand firmly with faith in his righteousness.

Brethren, if the world hate believers, they are hated because they are children of light and does not belong in world of darkness, but are in world of darkness; when Jesus Christ ministered the words of our Father regarding the kingdom of heaven unto humanity; they did not believe him, but called him a rebel, who tried to make a name for himself by proclaiming to be the son of our Father; therefore, as believers, followers, preachers, seers and missioners; if we deliver words of our Father through Jesus Christ unto humanity, and the world disregards his words, but rather persecute, reproach and martyr souls; regardless of what goes on with our lives, when we do the will of our Father; let us not feel frighten, condemn or dismayed; but rather strengthen ourselves with lessons from the apostles of old, how they suffered for righteousness sake; and trust in Jesus Christ to take absolute control of our lives, help us to overcome evil works of men by his blood; and regardless of what plots and schemes evil people engage in to destroy works of our Father in believers lives; we are more than conquerors; for we have the most powerful and purest spirits residing in our mortal bodies, that the enemy cannot take away or destroy;  whenever, the enemy engages his demonic agents to destroy works of our Father implanted within our souls;  let us not worry ourselves, but pray fervently, know that our Father sees their evil works, will fight his own battles and counteract their evil deeds turn things around to prove his Supremacy in his own creation forevermore..

Case in point, there are people acting as demonic agents, working for their master the devil in this world of darkness; their actions and utterances portray who they are in this world, and because they are in the world of darkness and everything in this world dwells in darkness, they carry themselves as masters of this world, and the world of darkness receives them as masters, hears whatever evil ideas, counsels and actions brought out to the table; though their suggestions, may seem perfectly alright in the eyes of humanity; at times, there are traps of unforeseen deadly consequences which may drive the whole world into damnation;  therefore, as believers, we have rights to do all things of this world, but not all things are suitable for believers to participate or endeavor to do; in everything we do, let us seek the face of our Father, get his counsel through the Holy Spirit, not just go with the flow; because we are not of this world but are set aside as chosen generation, royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people;  to shew forth the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous lights, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; therefore, let us rejoice and be exceedingly happy when the world hates us, because we are lights of this world and not of darkness; chosen by grace of our Father's love through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


Dearly beloved, we all know who we are as children of the Most High Father; at times, we interact with others we have not seen before, but we get connected very well; as if we knew one another; because, we are believers from one faith, and all believers are connect together as brothers and sisters on earth by the Spirit of our Father, and joint heirs in heaven with Jesus Christ by his death and resurrection through the power of the Holy Spirit ; therefore, spiritually we recognize and listen to one another on earth; however, unbelievers are not on same pages with believers, therefore, let us not expect unbelievers to understand our faith or receive our words whole heatedly; but let us be eager with spirit of discernment to know the truth of matters concerning all spirits; test them to know whether they are truthful spirits from Jesus Christ, or lies and deceptions spirits from the enemy; as believers, when we face temptations, let us resist voices of infiltration spirits and they will flee away; for we are children of the Most High Father, bought and paid for by the sacred blood of Jesus Christ forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  John 3:31;  He that cometh from above is above all:  he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth:  he that cometh from heaven is above all.  

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