
Monday, March 30, 2015


(KJV.)  MATTHEW 26:40-42

(40)  And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter,  What, could ye not watch with me one hour?
(41)  Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:  the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
(42)  He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying,  O my Father,  if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.


(40)  And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter,  What, could ye not watch with me one hour?  Brethren,  Jesus in his last days of his ministry, went to Gethsemane, with his disciples;  when they got there, he separated himself apart, went yonder to pray;  but when he came back to his disciples, he found them asleep;  he said to Peter,  "Couldn't you keep vigil with me for an hour?  I call this context, what are friends for?  at times, we associate with people, so that when trouble comes, we can call upon them for emotional, physical or spiritual supports; however, what do you do, when friends you hope to count on, in times of troubles turns their back on you?  It is a sad situation!  throughout the ministry of Jesus Christ, his twelve disciples were with him and certain points, might have sworn oath of allegiance to him, but when his soul was sorrowful regarding his pending trails, sufferings and death;  though he requested for their prayers and supports, they fell asleep on him;  (i)  let us know that the only person that can not fail anyone is our Father in heaven through his son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior;  therefore, (ii)  let us not put our trust in people, but trust in our Father through Jesus Christ:  for, it is written, "Put not your trust in princes nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. (Psalm 146:3).

(41)  Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:  the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.  Brethren, when Jesus saw his disciples sleeping;  he said unto them,  "Be careful and supplicate, so that you will not fall under the influence of the enemy;  for, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weaken.";  Jesus warned his disciples to be vigilantes, for,  (i)  whatever he is about to go through will also affect their lives;   (ii)  but if they keep vigil and pray to our Father, he will grant them spirits of perseverance through all temptations;  (iii)  for, the inner man is willing to persevere through all trails, but the physical body is not strengthen, to withstand the troubles; (iv)  let us know that when we are in troubles, there is nothing our Father can do to help us, if we cannot pray to call on him;  therefore, when in troubles;  (iv)  let us get on our knees and pray to our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, ask him to strengthen our faith in his righteousness, and deliver us from all evil;  (v)  without prayers, our faiths will be shaken by the enemy, we will lose battles that we could have won with faith Jesus Christ;  therefore, let us pray without ceasing, prayer works!

Case in point, if Jesus Christ, who was part of our Father, but was born in flesh to walk on earth, (i) fasted for forty days in the wilderness to overcome temptations of the enemy;  (ii) and to gain power and authority to do our Father's will on planet earth;  (iii)  and prayed exceedingly, at the end of his ministry,  to get help from our Father to overcome his trails, crucifixion and death;  we have enough reasons as believers, to also seek our Father's face everyday through reading of the scriptures and to protect our lives from perils and dangers of this world;  (iv)  also, let us pray for victories, healing, blessings and sense of directions to run away from works of evil, and to have close relationships with our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

(42)  He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying,  O my Father,  if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done.  Brethren,  Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed, pleaded with our Father to take away his bitter cup, being in sorrow and an agony, he supplicated more seriously and in an intent mental state and his sweat looked like great drops of blood falling down to the ground; he prayed saying,  "O my Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away from me, unless I drink it, may your will be done.";  at times, our Father allows his children to go through trails for his own purposes;  in those trails, there are no fasting, prayers or supplications that can revert those trails;  however, when in any kind of trails, we ought to pray for spirits of endurance to overcome, so that our Father's will could be done in our lives, that our souls be gratified when it all done by his grace forevermore.


Dearly beloved, this is the week of Passover, believers are to watch and pray;  let us assume that we are in the garden of Gethsemane with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  let us not get carried away by yielding to dictates of our fleshly desires; but be watchful, spiritual, fast (optional), pray, praise his Holy Name; for what he has done, doing and will do again on the cross of Calvary;  if we have not known the truth about him yet, this is the week, day and time to do so;  come into his open arms of salvation, grace, hope and life everlasting.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  1 Peter 4:7  But the end of all things is at hand:  be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.    

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