
Monday, October 6, 2014


(KJV.)  LUKE 4:43

(43)  And he said unto them,  I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also:  for therefore I am sent.


Brethren, we are to sermonize the good news of the sovereignty of the LORD of hosts, and what we know of his spiritual dominion in the firmament of his glory;  for that reasons, we are called, anointed, and commissioned to go out into the entire world;  also, we are to proclaim the gospel of the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, rapture and everlasting life.


Brethren, the sovereignty of the LORD of hosts on planet earth is the gospel of  Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  he brought down from heaven, the knowledge of the Father; his righteousness, love, forgiveness, salvation, grace and life everlasting;  (i)  to accomplish the mission, he suffered in the hands of his enemies, died and rose again from the death to set the captives free and by his blood all our iniquities were purged away forever;  (ii)  he was made a sacrificial lamb by his death on the cross of Calvary, by his death on the Cross, believers receive redemption and inherit life everlasting;  (iii)  to be partakers of the kingdom of God, we need to be baptized into the faith by water baptism or spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit;  water baptisms are done with water as a symbolic reason to end up unbelieving attributes into the righteousness of Jesus Christ;  (iv) on the other hand, spirit baptism is done by the Holy Spirit to resurrects our souls into rebirth with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Case in point, it is important that we preach the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  in this verse, Jesus, reveals one of his biggest assignments given to him by the Father, (a)  to speak about the sovereignty of the LORD of hosts to all habitations;  he did not come to planet earth for tribes, nations or group of people;  he came for benefit of all humanity;  when he suffered, died and rose again, his grace was for all humanity;  from generations to generations and forever and evermore;  humanity will still continue to enjoy benefits of his grace both in heaven and on planet earth;  (b)  to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God, to all nations of the earth;  he did not come to abolish the commandments of the LORD of hosts, but to fulfill it by stressing the need for humanity to love one another as themselves;  (c)  to impart wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the Father;  a guide to instruct us to walk in his righteousness, obey and fear him, the King of all creations;  (d)  to proclaim liberty to the captives, heal the sick, make the blind see, the leper whole, lame walk, raise the dead and set the captives free from bondage of sins by his sacred blood of Calvary forever.


Brethren,  if Jesus Christ was commissioned by the LORD of hosts, to preach the gospel of his Kingdom to all humanity;  today, as believers, what are our efforts to spread the gospel of his second coming, rapture and everlasting life:  Jesus's mission was to bring the Kingdom of God and his righteousness to us on planet earth;  today, our missions are to spread the gospel of his second coming, rapture and life everlasting to entire planet earth;  therefore, let us not waste time in spreading the gospel any longer, but jingle our bells of good news over seas, mountain tops and valleys, and to the four corners of the entire world;  Jesus, is waiting for us to complete our assignments before his second coming, rapture and life everlasting;  are we done spreading the gospel to every remote parts of the world yet?  there are rewards awaiting for us in heavenly places, after our assignments are completed, we will receive crown of glories forevermore.
Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  II Timothy 4:2  Preach the word;  be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.


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