(KJV.) JOHN 17:15-17
(15) I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
(16) They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
(17) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Brethren, at the end of the ministry of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, he prayed fervently for his disciples; though he knew that his persecution, trials and tribulation was at hand, he did not think about himself, but thought of his disciples, and prayed to our Father to keep them out of the hand of the enemy; this is an example, that regardless of what trails or tribulations we encounter, not to focus on our troubles, but trust our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, that we are overcomers; and pray for others, including our enemies; as we pray for them, our Father will have mercy, and take absolute control of our lives.
When preachers preach words of our Father to humanity, it is to sanctify and transform them in the faith of his righteousness into life everlasting; for, all souls are born through sinful natures of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden; as we read, listen and obey his words, we receive transformations from fleshly desires into spiritualities; for, in his words are his spirits; remember, in the beginning was the Word, and Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1); in inference, the more we receive his words into our innermost spirits, the more spiritual we become, and are transformed into the image of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and become lights among the darkness of this world; and easily transitioned into eternity on the day of judgment; therefore, it is important to know the truthfulness of his words, to turn away from darkness into his marvelous lights that we may walk in the faith of his righteousness, know that we have a living Father who loves his children dearly, that he sacrificed his only begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to suffer, died on the cross to take away the iniquities of this world, grant salvation, free grace and life everlasting, he is coming back again soon to receive believers into himself forevermore.
Though we live in this world, our permanent abode is in heavenly places with our Father and are joint heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; we are sojourners on earth, our lives are not in our own hands, but in the hands of our creator; no one knows exactly which day, time, moment or place where our lives will be taken away from planet earth; only our Father knows details of our days on earth; therefore, let us always keep that in our minds, lean on him to direct our pathways within his purposes, pray, read his words and bond our souls with him, trust not in the riches of this world, but trust in him alone through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; know that things of this world will perish with the wind after we sleep in death, focus on where we came from and eventually go back to after we pass through on this earth; the question we need to ask ourselves is; where are we going from here?; there are only two doors open to souls, when they pass away from planet earth; the door of eternity, for believers in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior or the door to Hades damnation, open up for children of perdition, who walk in darkness, never gave themselves to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior before death; therefore, the enemy of our souls, the deceiver is working around the clock to lure many souls into Hades damnation; let us beware!; on the other hand, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior beacons souls to watch out, turn away from ungodliness, time is running out, come unto him with labors, heavy laden, receive rest; for, Jesus is the only way, right door to salvation, grace, peace, hope and life everlasting; the choice is ours to make now, while we are still alive and well on planet earth by his grace.
Therefore, when we receive words of our Father into our innermost spirits, our souls are sanctified through his words and transitions into images of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, in the process of transformations, we attain his attributes, our actions, behaviors and priorities change as well; things of ungodliness that we participated in before, we desires to do them no more, the crowd we used to hang around with in the world of darkness, we disassociate ourselves from them; and embrace the cross, receive the Holy Spirit, transform and become useful vessels for his glorification on earth; at times, believers are not aware of their transformation processes, and they view these processes as sufferings, however, transformation processes are not meant to suffer believers, but to breakdown walls of old selves, so that newer selves could surface from within our innermost spirits; for spiritual transformations end results must manifest from within the walls of the innermost spirits; though we may view transformation processes as physical pains because of sufferings, they are spiritual, there is nothing physical about them; as to effect changes to our physics as change of diets, exercise and sleeping habits; however, when it comes to spiritual transformations, that can only be done by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the resurrection power of the Holy Spirits; when it comes to transformation of souls, there are no set dates or times for graduations; we continue to transform from glory to glory until we sleep in death;
Dearly beloved, no one knows the mind of our Father when going through sufferings; if he allows believers to suffer, there are reasons behind their sufferings known to him alone; therefore, when we find ourselves in trouble waters; let us not worry ourselves in the process, have patience, pray fervently, trust our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior that he knows exactly what is going on; when it is all done, we shall come forth as golden vessels for his glorification forever and evermore: therefore, let us be strong in the might of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) John 17:14: I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
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