(KJV.) EPHESIANS 2:19-22
(19) Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
(20) And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone:
(21) In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
(22) In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
Brethren, Jesus Christ was with our Father before creation of the heavens and earth; he is the word spoken to create all things, he is the life force within every object created on planet earth; the entire world, from beginning to the end of creation, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is in the center of it all; though our human imaginations cannot determine the spiritual facts behind creation, but words stated in the scriptures that all things of both heaven on earth was created by the word, (John 1:1-5); therefore, the world was framed by the Spirit of our Father and Jesus Christ his word; there is nothing created, that was created without the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the word, and before he came down to manifest in the flesh, we were in bondage of inquiries, have no hope of eternal glory, but by his blood shed on the cross, death and resurrection, we receive salvation, peace and eternal lives; for, he broke down the middle wall of partition between humanity and our Father, reconcile humanity unto him by the bridge of the cross, therefore through him, we became one body and have access to our Father by one Spirit; by his grace, believers are no longer outsiders and aliens in the faith of his righteousness, but are residential members with the holy men and women of the establishment of our Father, developed upon the groundwork of apostles and prophets in past generations with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior as the chief corner stone forevermore.
However, what is this word cornerstone?; cornerstone by dictionary definition, is a ceremonial stone set at the corner of a building, to join two exterior walls, often inscribed with the start and completion dates of a construction, the name of the architect and owner, and other details; it is a stone which unites two masonry walls at an intersection; a chief foundation on which something is constructed and developed; therefore, if our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was with our Father during creation, and was the word spoken to create all things, then he is the chief cornerstone of kingdom structures for both heavens and planet earth, his Spirit resides within all things created by our Father; the air we breathe into our nostrils, the food we prepare to eat everyday, the livelihood of birds of the air, beasts of the field, fishes in the seas, vegetation and forest lands, oceans and rivers, green grass and beautiful flowers of the field; and because of his love, he volunteered himself to be transformed from the spirit into a fleshly body suit, born of a virgin, grown up within parts of his body, experience life among his body, but his own parts did not know who he was or accept him, but rejected him and his kingdom words; but he suffered, died on the cross to take away the iniquities of humanity and rose up again to grant salvation and life everlasting.
After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the scales fell of the eyes of his persecutors, they realized that they did wrong but refused to admit their faults, but continued to martyr his followers; however, the ways of our Father are mysterious, the more they persecuted and martyr believers, the more the faith of Jesus Christ grew from cities to cities, and throughout nations of the world and from generation to generation, Christianity is spreading like wildfire; the youth are turning from fleshly desires to follow Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; for, he laid down his life as the chief cornerstone to build the faith of his righteousness for all to come to repentance, have salvation and eternal lives; therefore, when believers suffer for righteousness sake, to points where they lose their lives, their lives are not sacrificed in vain, the more their persecutors martyr them, the more their shed blood takes control of the iniquities of this world and bring souls into the faith of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; there are always hidden purposes of our Father, in all things of this world to accomplish his purposes through believers, but his purposes are not known to humanity until it is completely done; directly and indirectly, our Father is working at all times, naked eyes cannot see his manifestations, they can only see what he desires for them to see, and the end results of his handiwork, that is what happened to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior when he came to earth, while he was working for our Father, his persecutors thought he was an ordinary rebellious person, did not believe his words and crucified him; but after he died they realized that he was truly a Son of our Father, sent by him but it was too late to change things around; therefore, those who lose their lives on earth for righteousness sake, to accomplish purposes of our Father, in his body, their souls are not lost completely but are living in eternity and have receive honors as saints in our Father's abode forevermore.
Dearly beloved, believers are parts of our Father's kingdom building, in which he lives through his Spirit; case in point, Jesus Christ is the foundation stone of our Father since creation of heaven and earth, humanity, whether believers or unbelievers are materials for structuring his kingdom, some materials are bricks, wooden frames, while others are metal pieces and mortars; if we all fix in properly together do what we have to do diligently in our assignments, work together sides by sides on earth, with love for one another and mutual understandings that we are brothers and sisters of the same kingdom Father, we will grow together with stronger foundation of the holy temple of our Father, in which his Spirit lives; for we are connected to him and to one another by his Spiritual life force within our mortal bodies; though we walk around on earth with individuals personalities, goals and accomplishments, we are one with our Father spiritually, working to fulfill his purposes on earth each and everyday of our lives; structuring his holy temple with our gifts and talents, and are parts of the building which our Father himself lives by his Spirit forevermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) 1 Corinthians 3:6-17: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
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