
Wednesday, August 19, 2015


(KJV.)  HEBREWS 5:8-10

(8)   Though he were a Son,  yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;
(9)   And being made perfect,  he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;
(10) Called of  God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.


Brethren, though Jesus Christ was parts of our Father, he was born in the flesh, took on a form of man without any status, claimed no respect for himself;  but rather took upon him duties of serving humanity, he was not proud or arrogant though he knew who he was, his mission on this earth, yet willing to comply to our Father's orders; in humility, he suffered for sins he did not committed, shed his sacred blood, became obedient even unto death on the cross; and because of his obedience to our Father, after his resurrection and ascension into heaven, our Father also exalted him, (i)  gave him all powers of heaven and on earth; therefore, Holy Spirit empowerment comes by obedience of our Father's words;  (ii)  and a name above all names;  therefore, when we receive empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do his will, he also gives us newer names and titles to honor us for our service to him;  (iii) that at the mention of the Jesus, all knees should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;  therefore, when we receive empowerment from the Holy Spirit and walk in his statutes; we have same authorities as Jesus Christ on this earth and in heaven, so, let us exercise our authorities over the darkness of this world and bring lost souls into eternity;  (iv) that every tongue should admit the truthfulness of matters, that Jesus Christ is the Lord, to glorify the LORD our Father;  (v)  that through him, all souls should receive salvation and life everlasting; therefore, Jesus Christ received exaltation and honors from our Father because of his obedience to his words.

As believers, when we walk in obedience to dictates of the Holy Spirit the world will reproach and call us names such as over zealous or fanatic people, let us not feel offended about reproaches of men but forgive them for they know not what they do; let us give them the benefit of the doubt, that they may be in darkness and have no understandings for things of the spirits; however let us focus on our callings, not pay attention to distractions of this world of darkness; when Jesus came to this earth, he spoke to humanity things of himself and the kingdom of heaven; but they did not believe or receive him; but rather persecuted and crucified, him, when he resurrected from the death, they still refused to accept the fact, that they crucified an innocent man; therefore, they made up stories to cover up their failures; however, their lies did not prevailed over truthfulness of matters; for many saw him and testified about his resurrection; therefore, when he ascended into heaven, the Father glorified him with himself, and made him the ruler of all his works, and the only way through which disobedient lost souls can be restored from darkness of this world into lights of our Father and life everlasting;

Fruits of thoughts, as believers, when we obey the voice of Jesus Christ to follow him and do his will; though the world may misunderstand how and why we do what we do; regardless of what they may think or say about believers, let us not lose hope but trust in our Father, that he is in control of our situations and persevere, forbear and finish our assignments; for there are rewards and honors set aside for his faithful servants;  if we follow carefully the life of Jesus Christ, his ministry on earth, sufferings, obedience to death on the cross, resurrection and ascension into heavenly places; we can see his dedication and obedience to works of our Father; and though he has power over death because he was part of our Father, yet in other for the scriptures to be fulfilled entirely, he humbled himself to death on the cross to save the world from bondage of iniquities;  therefore, when we are in ministry, let us know that there will be trouble times, but our Father is always faithful and will not leave us alone in the furnace of fires, but there are reasons why we have to persevere, forbear and endure all sufferings; that is, to finish our assignments successfully in this world of darkness, bring lost souls into salvation and life everlasting; for, our good works are not done in vain but there are rewards awaiting for those who can finish their assignments successfully by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forevermore.

Case in point, when we obey words of our Father and do his will; he will not leave us alone, but he proves and gives honors to his faithful servants;  three times it is recorded in the scriptures how he honored Jesus Christ;  (a)  firstly honor;  at the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ, when John baptized him by the river Jordan; a voice spoke from heaven to justify and honor him; saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:17);  (b)  secondly honor;  when Jesus Christ's ministry on earth was over, he took three of his disciples with him, Peter, James and John to pray in the garden of Gethsemane, amazingly, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and behold a voice spoke out of the cloud; which said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." (Matthew 17:5);  (c)  thirdly honor; when Jesus Christ was on this earth, he never glorified himself, but gave all glory to our Father, who later on glorified him, called him a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek; why the order of Melchizedek?  because he was a priest anointed by our Father himself, and not made a priest by the anointment of humanity; for priests made in the order of Melchizedek are made without an earthly oaths but with an oath of our Father himself, therefore, he gave them honors and titles as distinguish personalities for his glorification; therefore, let us give honor to those who our Father has given his honors on this earth, to glorify his will and Holy Name among his creation.


Dearly beloved, today's lesson is about obedience and submission to our Father; in this world of darkness, it is a difficult thing to walk in godliness; however, Jesus understands our situations;  for he gave himself to die on the cross to make our burdens light; we do not have to worry ourselves on how to make it to heaven, we just have to accept him into our hearts as Lord and Savior, trust and believe in him; and, we can do all things by his strength and grace; therefore, let us not be weary in well doings and give up on our callings, but persevere and forbear in all sufferings, bear our crosses upon our shoulders with greater faith in Jesus Christ, and know that no matter what happens along his pathways of righteousness, he is in control of all things, and will never give up on us; when we finish our races successfully on earth, we will receive honors and laugh out loud with him in heavenly places forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!    


(KJV.)  Psalm 2:7-8  I will declare the decree:  the LORD hath said unto me,  Thou art my Son;  this day have I begotten thee...Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

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