
Monday, February 9, 2015


(KJV.)  HEBREWS 6:13-15

(13)  For when God made promise to A'bra-ham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,
(15)  And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.


(13)  For when God made promise to A'bra-ham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,  Brethren, the Father is above all things, there is no one or any object beyond or above him; therefore, when he swears an oath to A'bra-ham, he had to use his own self to assure him that he will surely fulfill his words.

Case in point,  (i)  the Father gave Abram his word, to get thee out of his country ......(Genesis 12), all his promises of blessings were fulfilled and are still being fulfilled among us from generations to generations;  (ii)  the Father gave his word to A'bra-ham at the age of seventy-five that he will have a Son from his own bosom, by swearing an oath by himself to prove to A'bra-ham that his words will surely come to pass (Genesis 17:19);  faithfully!  twenty-five years later, Isaac was born, promise of the Father was fulfilled in A'bra-hams life. (Genesis 21:3);  again, (iii)  the Father gave his promise to A'bra-ham that his seeds will sojourn in a foreign land for four hundred years, he will judge that nation, bless and set them free. (Genesis 15:13-14), the father fulfilled his promises to A'bra-ham, (Exodus 12);  also,  (iv)  the Father fulfilled his promises to Manoah, father of Samson (Judges 13) he is the Almighty God, besides him there is no one else beyond, above and beneath greater than him, his name is "I AM, THAT I AM" (Exodus 3:14). owner of the whole universe; if he says, he will do, he will surely do!

(14)  Saying,  SURELY BLESSING I WILL BLESS THEE, AND MULTIPLYING I WILL MULTIPLY THEE. the Father gave his promises to A'bra-ham, because of his obedience to him to sacrifice Isaac, he fulfilled, still fulfilling his promises of everlasting blessings to all who believe in him today. (Genesis 22:16-18);  Ponder points,  (a)  the Father is All Mighty, great in power and dominion;  (b) the Father cannot lie, never lied before, he had nothing to prove to anyone that he would have to lie to prove himself, he is the Almighty Father and can do anything with his own creation;  (c)  when the Father speaks his promises, he will fulfilled what he has spoken, his words will not void but will manifest on earth, in our lives at appointed times;  (d)  the Father is faithful to all who believes and rests in his assurance;  (d)  the Father will fulfill his promises to those who wait patiently and hope in him, they will see manifestations of his glory forevermore;  therefore, let us believe in the Father as Almighty, his promises of grace, blessings, victories, protections through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

((15)  And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.  Believers, let us have patience and wait for manifestations of the Father's promises in our lives;  A'bra-ham, waited for twenty-five years to have Isaac the child of promise;  he received the promise at age seventy-five, the promise was fulfilled at one hundred years old;  therefore, let us have hope in Christ, to know that he is the anchor of our faith, in his presence are blessings, peace, joy, life everlasting;  if he gave his promises to do miracles, to answer our prayers, turn negative situations into blessings, he will fulfill his promises in our lives;  his words will definitely manifest, regardless of how many years, months or weeks we have to wait on him;  his words will surely come to pass in due times;  though things may seem like they are not manifesting quickly enough;  brethren, let us continue to believe in him, exercise patience in our waiting rooms and while we wait on him, let us entrust our lives unto him, hope in his promises, pray his promises back to him, worship, give him all glory forevermore.


Brethren, as humans, as times we tend to be impatient when promises are not fulfilled as we would anticipate them to be fulfilled; however, the Father knows all things, before we were born, he knows what will become of our lives, he knows appropriate times to fulfill all things placed in our blueprints; we do not have to worry ourselves, when he gives his promises;  if he says he will do something; he will definitely bring it to pass;  if we have to wait on him for our promises, he will not leave us alone but will sustain our lives until appointed times for his promises to be fulfilled;  example, Joseph was put in Egypt prison cells, the Father was aware of his provokes but did not vindicate him, instead he sustained him until the appointed time for manifestation of his dreams; today, whatever, promises the Father gave unto us, through dreams, visions, prophesies, they are all coming to pass in Jesus Name, we will receive manifestations of all promises now, today, this week, month, so we give glory to the Father through Christ forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Acts 2:39  For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

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