
Thursday, August 7, 2014


(KJV.)  ACTS 2:38-39

(38)  Then Peter said unto them,  Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,  and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
(39)  For the promise is unto you, and to your children,  and to all that are afar off,  even as many as the Lord our God shall call.


Brethren, in order to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ghost), we are to show remorse for all our wrong doings, and be water sanctified in the name of  our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to receive his forgiveness of all our iniquities and believe in him, his words, death and resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit will be given freely to us;  this assurance is for all humanity, from generations to generations the same, and to all those who are called on purpose by the LORD of hosts.

Case in point,  let us not get this promises wrong;  having the gift of the Holy Spirit is not necessarily  speaking in tongues;  speaking in tongues sometimes comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit but not all the time;  it was firstly manifested when the Apostles received the baptism of the Holy Spirit to show sign and wonders to unbelievers of that time, it still manifests in our lives today, but it is not a requirement for holiness or to fulfill our callings;  we can still bear fruits of Holiness through our faith, righteousness, peace and joy in Jesus Christ;  (i)  faith, when we persevere in believing that Jesus Christ, is the son of God, who suffered, died and rose again to redeem us from all sins and coming back again soon to judge the whole world;  (ii)  righteousness,  when we follow good morals, do that which is pleasing to the Lord, and bear fruits of the spirits with peace and love; (iii)  peace,  to live in harmony with all men, free from enmities, strives, controversies and warfare;  (iv)  Joy,  when we are happy with ourselves and others, sing melodies in our hearts to the Lord and trust our lives into his hands to take care of all our needs, and to know that we belong to him forever.

Brethren,  we are all called to service the Lord through the works of the Holy Spirit;  we receive our callings either through his words or in the spirit:  when we are baptized into the faith and receive the power of the Holy Spirit;  (a) he will make himself known to us and reveal purposes of our callings; (b)  if we yield to the call, he will work with us, encourage, commission and empower us to function successfully to accomplish our assignments;  (c)  his presence is known to us through our spirits, bodies and souls everyday;  (d)  he will never leave us alone, but will always direct our ways into righteousness;  (e)  he talks to us at all times, even through dreams and visions, to enlighten our ways unto righteousness;  (f)  if we trespass against him, all we have to do is to acknowledge our wrong doings,  feel sorry for doing them and ask for his forgiveness;  (g)  he is merciful, and will pardons all sins and cleanse us of from our filthiness so we can continue to work with him again; (h) however, if we trespass against him, but refuse to pray for his forgiveness, he will count our sins as rebellion attributes and will not manifest his power in our lives, he will not completely live us alone.

Brethren,   what a great commission!  Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to all who will obey his voice and come unto him;  no matter what our burdens are today,  let us not worry and sorrow anymore, but bring unto him our burdens, believe and trust in him,  faithfully worship and serve him;  for the Holy Spirit our comforter, helper, teacher and moderator, is available to lead us into righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  today,  have we receive the Holy Spirit yet?  if not, all we have to is to come as are to Jesus Christ, he will wash away all our sins and will give us newer lives full of the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit and peace in him forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Zachariah 12:10  And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications:  and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced,  and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son,  and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

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