
Tuesday, August 12, 2014



(6)  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.
(7)  Saying with a loud voice,  Fear God,  and give glory to him;  for the hour of his judgment is come:  and worship him that made heaven,  and earth,  and the sea,  and the fountains of waters.


Brethren,  hear ye the sounding trumpets of end times good news, the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  angels are presently on planet earth, in every country, tribe, languages and nations, with the power to change the minds of all humanity, but without forcing them to follow Jesus Christ:  but proclaiming the gospel with a thundering voice;  to reverence the LORD!  praise and honor him!  for the dooms day is near!  and adore him in the beauty of his holiness!  the maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and wellsprings of waters.

Brethren,  it is not an impediment to adhere to this angel;  for his mission statement is clearly stated; we are to  (i)  Fear God,  we acknowledge the existence of the LORD of hosts, and may be worship him, but the angel says to fear him also;  meaning we have to have the mindset to reverence him, and know that he sees everything we do all the time, both day and night;  if we fear him, we will love one another as ourselves, leave peaceably with all men, and not gossip, slander or use hateful words towards others, but pray for peace for all nations:  for, the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of those who heart is perfect towards him;  for, the LORD is constantly watching our actions towards him and others;  he deals with our hearts only;  therefore, let our hearts be pure before him;  (ii)  give glory to him,  sometimes, when we achieve milestones in life, we forget to thank the LORD, for our accomplishments, but think that it is by our own hard work that we are able to reach our potentials; it is not by ourselves but by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,  for he is the giver and doer of all things in both heaven and on earth;  (iii)  the hour of his judgment is come,  alas!  rapture and judgment day is nearer, than we anticipated, but the day and time is only known to the Father;  therefore, let us get ready for that faithful day;  (iv)  worship him,  we are to worship the LORD of hosts in the beauty of his holiness;  if we want his goodness and mercies to abound in our lives everyday, let us try to worship him to enjoy his grace;  for in heaven the angels worship and adore him all the time, there is no night or day;  today, everything we need to know about Jesus Christ, his second coming, end times phenomena and eternity are all in the scriptures;  we just have to read and study the word, pray and adhere to its instructions, and inherit eternal life.

Brethren, the message presented by this angel is very easy to adhere to, as believers in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, we just have to carefully apply the contents of this message to our daily lives;  and take note on how we interact with others;  know who we are in him;  focus on our faith by his righteousness;  and expectations of the later glory which is his second coming;  are we ready?  if not, let us get ready now, for Jesus is coming soon!

Brethren,  today, let us give all our troubles and fears to Jesus!  he died and rose again to set us free from it all;  whether we think negatively or positively about our lives;  it really does not matter to him;  he knows what to do for us, it is not too late to come to his rest;  he is knocking at the doors of our hearts;  saying "come unto me with your burdens and receive rest for our souls";  therefore, let us not worry yourselves any longer, but focus on him, the giver of eternal life, grace and peace forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Mark 16:15  And he said unto them,  Go ye into all the world,  and preach the gospel to every creature.           

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