
Tuesday, April 24, 2018


(KJV.)  MICAH 6:8

(8)  He hath shewed thee,  O man, what is good;  and what doth the LORD require of thee,  but to do justly,  and to love mercy,  and to walk humbly with thy God?


Grace be unto you!  Those of us, who have children, or have older or younger siblings, at certain points of our lives, have heard this phrases before;  "that's not fair!" "is that right?";  logically, there are injustices prevailing against souls on earth;  however, the LORD is never happy whenever he perceives injustices prevailing against souls, as a matter of fact, he encourages the man to keep judgment and do justice, cf. Isaiah 56:1;  therefore, whenever we hear of injustices being done to others, regardless of who they are, whether saved or unsaved, we may pray for justices to prevail over what their situations may be, or speak our concerns about the issue in a respectful, politeful, ministering manner;  never should we perceive evil works done to others, but act unconcern, turn on deaf ears on their cries, closed our mouths not to say a word against their injustices, whatever does not concern you and me today, may be a mountain to overcome for the future generations. 

Secondly, the man ought to be good to one another;  for he enjoys the goodness and mercies of God, every day of his life, not that alone but also to love mercy;  meaning is to be compassionate, showing kindness towards others, loving and sharing blessings with them; therefore, today, let us be encouraged to go above and beyond limitations, do goodwill to the poor and needy, support the weak, buy someone a meal or a cup of beverage, put other people needs over ours;  for there are innermost peace, happiness, favors, abundance of blessings in giving than receiving, cf. Matthew 25:35-40 for detailed studies on the subject of being merciful;  one thing the man should be aware of in this world is, nothing that he does on earth is done in vain, whether good or evil works, there is an angel recording them in his personal book of records to be utilized against him on the day of judgment before the throne of grace;  many times, before he sleeps in death, the recorded deeds come into play in heaven, to determine his fate on earth, answer his prayers;  therefore, it is good to be good to one another!

Beloved, humility pays its way to greatness;  my deceased mother used to say, "if you know how to wash your hands well, you will eat with kings.";  therefore,  as we walk in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, let us do his good pleasures, showing kindness to others, exemplifying the spirit of meekness before him, as we obey his words, our heart desires will be granted as well and even more than what we anticipated will be added unto us, cf. Matthew 6:33;  therefore, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter for today, O man, be good to one another, for the LORD is good to you!  Continue ye in Love!  Jesus is coming back again soon!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Thank you for your time!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 21:3  To do justice and judgments is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.         

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