(KJV.) ST. LUKE 6:27-29
(27) But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,
(28) Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
(29) And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.
Brethren, interestingly, we dwell in a world full of grace; from creation of the world until present century, unforeseen grace was made available to humanity by our creator, before Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior was born; grace manifested through the love of our Father; in the past, grace was with statutes, and punishments were rendered to humanity, when they walked in disobedience to commandments of our Father; until Jesus Christ came to earth, preached the kingdom message, after his ministration on earth, suffered for our iniquities, crucified, buried, but rose up again from the dead, tore off the veil of the temple, made a way for humanity to approach the throne of grace themselves, seek the face of our Father; that is when free grace was instituted, a grace to pray, ask for mercies of our Father whenever we trespass against him, without priesthood intermediaries, burnt offerings, animal blood sacrifices for atonement of sins; through the sacred blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior our past, present, future sins were forgiven through the mercies of our Father, given because of the blood grace of Jesus Christ our advocate, seated on the right hand of our Father, pleads our wrong doings with our Father, that blood grace may continue to abound in believers lives.
First of all, grace was made available to humanity because of the greater love of our Father towards his children: few examples of gracefulness of our Father are as follows: Adam and Eve disobeyed our Father's words, ate the forbidden fruit, sinned in the garden of Eden, because of his grace, our Father made coats of skins, clothed their nakedness. refer to the book of Genesis 3:21: Cain killed his brother Abel, our Father did not kill Cain instantly, he pronounced curses upon him, however, when Cain pleaded with him that his punishment was too severe, our Father gave him the grace to live, set a mark upon him lest anyone finding him should kill him, Genesis chapter 4; Noah found grace in the eyes of our Father, him and his household, was saved from flood waters of destruction, Genesis chapter 7; Lot and his wife and two daughters, escape the fire destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis chapter 19; etc.; therefore, grace is a gift of our Father, unto his children, not because of what believers did in the past, doing currently, or will do anytime in the future; rather, for his greater love of humanity, his bowels yearns with compassion to change our shortcomings into proper alignment with his will, make things comfortable for his children to live peaceably on earth; therefore, he sent free grace through his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16).
Therefore, if we enjoy free grace of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; it is appropriate for believers to reciprocate same kindness of our Father unto others, regardless of who they may be, or how we feel emotionally about them; we are supposed to love them as we love ourselves, be their keepers; regardless of how many times enemies despise our presences, reproach our undertakings, or have negative connotations; let us not pay back evil with evil, rather evil with good works, do good unto haters above and beyond their expectations, bless them even if they rain curses upon us, pray good prayers for them; whether they warfare physically or spiritually against our souls, let us not defend ourselves, Jesus fought and won our battles by his death and resurrection, and vengeance belongs to our Father, in due times, he will recompense on our behalves; if they borrow anything from us, but refuse to return what was borrowed, let us not ask for those things back again, we do not need them, that is why we gave them out, they are worldly possessions that will perish away, Jesus will replace them with eternal blessings that will not decay but remains forever; therefore, continue to seek for their welfares; for Jesus Christ prayed for his enemies even at point of death on the cross, saying Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, per the book of Luke 23:34; brethren, let us not engage ourselves in works of darkness, rather do good, seek peace, and pursue it.
Dearly beloved, the love of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is greater than any human imagination; therefore, no matter what may be going on negatively in our lives presently, let us not feel unloved, deserted or lonely, Jesus Christ is always with us ; though many times we may not feel loved physically, spiritually, there is never a dull moment when we dwell not in our Father's love; from what we read from the scriptures, from creation to present times, everything our Father did, doing and will do, his love will continue to be in the center of all his undertakings, because he cares about his children: therefore, let us enjoy his love, free grace, be happy, content, relax in his mighty hands, enjoy his peace; his love never fails, but endures forever and evermore. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) St. Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
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