
Wednesday, December 2, 2015


(KJV.) JUDE 1:21

(21)  Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.


Brethren, because of the fast pace and technology advancement of this world;  humanity no longer take delight to set aside time to enjoy themselves or spend quality time with love ones, many times, we claim not to have time for things that matters most to our Father; which is to love one another as ourselves.

In this twenty-first century, we are in a microwave generation, there is no time to make phone calls to say hello to loves ones but rather textings, no visitations or physical expressions of love, huggies or kisses to touch hearts positively; either humanity is in a hurry or do not care too much about one another; this attitudes should not be so!;  for we are many but one body of Christ,  therefore, let us love and care for one another, reach out and touch someone with the love of our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  regardless of our busy schedules this holiday season, let us endeavor to go above and beyond business of this world, express love in positive ways, spend time with love ones, touch lives of people we come across everyday with positive attitudes;  at times, just saying hello to a stranger in an elevator, on the train or at the bus station, in the grocery store can touch hearts, bring smiles on their faces and overload burdens of their hearts; we believe that our Father uses all his creation to glorify himself on earth; we are his vessels of love, therefore, let us love one another as ourselves;  also, we are in the holiday season, let us shine our love lights, do goodwill, reach out and touch someone's heart with the love of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Case in point, though we live in the business of this world; let us not focus on ourselves alone but think good thoughts about other people as well;  in all our undertakings, let us humble ourselves, not think or act arrogantly, but venerate our Father, the creator of all things, his Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, read and obey his words, believe and trust in him, resist works of the enemy, walk in the faith of his righteousness, have good health, live longer, enjoy earthly blessings of our Father and heavenly blessings through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forevermore.


Dearly beloved, as we celebrate the holidays year after another year; we seldom think about what is actually going on in our mortal bodies;  we have to realise that everyday when we woke up from sleep, it is a day less to live on this earth; sooner or later, our mortal bodies weakens and we feel fragile in strengths, our heath begins to fail us and we wonder what happened;  things we used to tackle, we barely able to tackle; you may ask, what is the point?  the point is, let us spend our times on earth wisely, have peace within ourselves, know that we are who we are because of the love of our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; that all fingers are not equal, there should be no strives among one another; be content to know that lives on this earth are temporaries, permanent home for believers are with our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  think good thoughts worthy of eternity and worry not about things of this world, but put our Father first in everything we do, trust him to sustain our lives on earth and hereafter forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)   Hebrew 9:28:  So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.    

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