
Tuesday, October 3, 2017



(5)  A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;  a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;


Grace be unto you!  The times and seasons of things of this world are of the LORD!  From birth to death of every soul's life is orchestrated from on high, by Jesus Christ;  at certain point of our lives, during adulthood, we get married to loved ones, begin to gather stones to build up families; we buy houses, rent apartment buildings, furnishings, cars, and are ready to bring forth children, raise them up with love, in favourable environments;  as the years roll by, suddenly, the kids are grown-ups, move away to be on their own, what is left is an empty nest, the chuckling, giggling, yelling, crying, complaining, fun is gone forever;  now what is left in the empty nest are the things gathered over the years to make the environment comfortable, when we get to this point, what do we do with stuff we do not need?  We don't keep but a giveaway to others, cast away the stones.

At times, when we are called into the vineyard of glory, to serve Jesus Christ, depending upon the call, it is difficult to give attention to the past life, and able to hold on to the future with Jesus, but it is a choice to make when at that crossroad;  to make a wise decision, one has to include Jesus Christ in the decision-making thoughts; ask themselves few questions;  is serving Jesus Christ more important than doing the things we normally do?  Secondly, when Jesus says, let go of the normal behaviors to embrace the call;  what can one do?  Simple, make the right choice!  Think of it this way, the future on earth is uncertain, this is not our permanent home, we are sojourners, here today, gone tomorrow to the unknown;  therefore, while we make certain life decisions, let us think about what the future holds, which is eternity with Jesus Christ;  Joshua said, ...... as for me and my house we will serve the LORD! Cf. Joshua 24:15;  let us obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, make the right choice, let go of the past behaviors, embrace the future with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Saints, when Jesus says, let go of something, he has something better to replace what was to be done away with, therefore, let's pay attention to the Holy Spirit, he is moving us away from the old ways, ushering into the new in him, to experience abundance of grace and love as we do his will;  now, it is time for you and me, to refrain from embracing the past life, and embrace the new life in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Be ready, Jesus is coming back again soon!  Love and Peace be unto you!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Ecclesiastes 9:11  I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

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