
Wednesday, October 18, 2017


(KJV.)  I PETER 5:2

(2)  Feed the flock of God which is among you,  taking the oversight thereof,  not by constraint,  but willingly;  not for filthy lucre,  but of a ready mind;


Grace be unto you!  Today, the Holy Spirit is encouraging you and me, (i)  to feed the flock of God which is among us;  that is, the spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, is the responsibility of every believer, emulating Christ, the major responsibility of our calling is, to minister the gospel to the world, cf. Mark 16:15;  therefore, let us study the word, to perfect ourselves, girdle up our loins of ministry to work for Jesus Christ;  if we should say, but I am not a preacher, read what Jesus is saying to his disciple about his words,  cf. Matthew 10:19;  it is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profited nothing ..... cf. John 6:63;  therefore, we are perfected in his power to speak his words.

(ii)  taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly;  Jesus is drawing his flock into our sanctuary doors, it is up to the congregation, to welcome them into their midst, with friendly touch of love, that they are also included in the congregation, will make them feel at home;  let us never ignore their presence or fail to welcome strangers who tread into the doors of our churches, just a smile, hello, hi should capture the heart of a soul for Christ; but not to embarrass them or single them out as new members of the congregation, some people are sensitive, and may take offense to what may transpire around them, though the motives are of kindness, due to their sensitivities, we might lose a soul drawn to Christ;  therefore, let us be cautious, how we handle the new faces coming in and out of our churches, when we do altar calls, let the souls come unto Christ willfully, without constraint that way the Holy Spirit can take absolute control of their heart, and keep them under his jurisdiction.

(iii)  not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;  as followers of Christ, we are reminded time and time again to set our priorities straight in the kingdom of Christ, by focusing on what matters to Christ, the rewarder of good works;  whatever we do for him, is not done in vain, but are rewarded here on earth and thereafter life;  therefore, let us work his will diligently, purge our heart, consciences of filthy lucre, the lust of money, the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life;  these are the tools of the enemy, the gateways to unrighteousness, let us beware of his tricks and treats; be in spirit, with our spiritual antennas up to detect the works of evil, overcome temptations set up by the enemy of our souls.

Saints, we are soldiers on the battlefield of Christ;  therefore, let us be readily prepared, anytime, anywhere, day or night, around the clock, to spread the gospel;  when Christ sends souls to us, let us receive them into our congregations with love and open hands;  it pays to be nice to people, for example, Abraham entertained angels unannounced, he received the blessings of the Lord, cf. Genesis 18;  Jesus can appear in human form, visit any church on planet earth;  who knows who may sit next to us on a worship day;  no one knows, and if we don't care, then we miss the point of the gospel;  we are soldiers, let us keep marching on, never give up on the battle, Jesus Christ is coming back again soon with his rewards of the crown of glories, to reign with him forever and evermore.  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 16:24  Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.            

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