
Thursday, June 22, 2017


(KJV.)  DANIEL 3:25

(25)  He answered and said,  Lo,  I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.


Brethren, at times when issues of life overwhelm our souls, as waves of the ocean, roaring and tumbling, casting down our lives into its depths, though we may feel like our lives are almost over, that there are no other ways out of what we face;  today, Jesus encourages all suffering believers that they are not alone in this world, regardless of what their circumstances may be, he is within, around and  watching over their souls, to free them from all troubles, work all issues together for good; because of his agape love for souls;  therefore, if there are brothers and sisters among us, who are overwhelmed with the cares of this life; pray fervently, read the scriptures, put your trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

In reference to the above text, in a nutshell;  King Nebucadnezer made a decree in his province, that when the sound of musical instruments, was blown, every man should fall down and worship his golden image, that anyone who refused to obey his declaration would perish in a burning fiery furnace;  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego servants of God were Jews, who feared the LORD, obeyed the laws of Moses, cf. Exodus 20:2-5;  therefore, they refused to bow down to worship his golden idol;  as a result, they were condemned, bounded, and cast down to perish in a furnace of fire;  because of the intensity of the burning fire, the people who threw them into the fire, lost their lives, but the servants of God, entered into the fires without the screams of the heat, nor burned into ashes, why?  because Jesus quenched the heat of the fire, though the fire was burning, they did not feel the heat or the impact of its flames;  therefore, believers, there are no type of furnace fires burning in our lives, that Jesus is not aware, with us, or cannot quench entirely;  he is in our flame of fires;  therefore, let us not worry ourselves, no fires by enemies, can burn believers into ashes, no matter how intense the flames of fires may be, believers will come out safely, without burns, or the smell of smokes from the furnace of fires;  trust in Jesus!

The King was worried, went to view what was going on with the servants of God, surprisingly, he saw another person with them in the midst of the fire, and they were no longer bounded, rather walked and talked freely amid the fire; the King called his elders and said "I saw a fourth person who looked like the Son of God in the fire with the rebels.";   The Son of God?  This is a revelation of Jesus!  This my point,  first of all, at the time of King Nebuchadnezzar, Jesus was not yet born; therefore, how could the King perceived that the fourth person was a Son of God?,  it was only by the revelation from God;  therefore, truly, Jesus is the Son of God, who was with God, before the foundation of the world;  for instance, during his ministry on earth, when Simon Peter discerned who he was, Jesus said to him,  Blessed art thou, ....for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. cf Matthew 16:17;  therefore, the King might have had a vision, saw Jesus by revelation from God, or else he could not have discerned who Jesus was with the rebels in the furnace of fires.  


Dearly beloved, Jesus is real!  let us put our trust in him, he heals the sick, cures the blind, lepers walk, answers prayers, there is salvation, free grace, peace, the hope of his second coming, life everlasting in him: therefore, whatever is overwhelming souls?  Jesus says, come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. cf. Matthew 11:28;  overload the burdens upon his shoulders, trust in him, with him all things are possible.  Peace be unto you!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;  and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.    

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