
Tuesday, October 30, 2018


(KJV.)  PSALM 49:11

(11)  Their inward thought is,  that their houses shall continue forever, and their dwelling places to all generations;  they call their lands after their own names.


Grace be unto you!

King Solomon, the preacher wrote:  Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, all is vanity: cf. Eccles. 12:8;  therefore,  if God has blessed you with the riches of this world, share your blessings with the poor and needy, doing goodwill to outreach establishments, so that you can have more favor with him in eternity;  never allow the spirit of pomposity the chance to rule over you, to think ill of others who are not fortunate to be coequal with you, but take good thoughts about how you deal with people, love, be kind, trusting in Jesus Christ, who gave you the blessings, not in your riches.

There are different types of avenues to attain wealth and riches of this world;  for example, in the past generations, patriarchs of the Bible, Father Abraham, Jacob, King Solomon, etc.,  received the genuine blessings of God;  in this day and age, many people are displaying the spirit of strife, oppression, suppression over others to attain riches and affluence, chasing after the empty air;  the fact of the matter is, we are sojourners, passing through this world, into the world unknown, therefore, whether you are rich or poor, someday, you will depart from it, you cannot escape the consequences of your actions and behaviors while on the earth, for, there is judgment awaiting souls who transition from earth to the unknown final destinations, and you cannot take riches with you to the judgment throne.

Therefore, if you have not thought of these things yet, be inspired to ponder over them, it is good for you to toil under the sun, receive the authentic blessings of the Lord, enjoy life;  however, have thoughts of the things that matter to your afterlife as well, for the enemy can also bless you to the point of thinking that you will live to enjoy those blessings forever, in the end, you might regret that you were wealthy, treated people undesirably on earth; read, St. Luke 16:19-31, for the narratives of what transpired between the rich man and the poor man named Lazarus afterlife:  Jesus said to the multitude; "Take heed, and beware of covetousness;  for a man's life, consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." cf. St. Luke 12:15;  therefore, never be a greedy needy to the point of chasing after the air.

Beloved, if you are blessed by Jesus and not by Satan, hear this, your life is under scrutiny from heaven, someday, you will give an account for what you did with what was given to you, there are checks and balances before the throne of judgment, you choose your permanent abode by your actions and behaviors on earth, how you treat others;  also, your possessions are not permanent, they will corrode, fade away with time, perish with the air forever, but, the love of God, and Jesus Christ is forever;  therefore, seek first his Kingdom, righteousness, blessings will come upon your life;  anything else is vanity and vexation of Spirits, cf,. Eccles. 1:14;  so, chase not after the air!  Amen and Amen!

He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.  Rev. 3:13.  Peace and Love be unto you!


(KJV.)  PSALM 62:10  Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery:  if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.        

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