
Tuesday, October 16, 2018


(KJV.)  !! TIMOTHY 2:19

(19)  Nevertheless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal.  The Lord knoweth them that are his.  And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.


Grace be unto you!

Miraculously, the foundation of God stands for sure, until he says that all things have come to an end, it is a world without end, cf. Ephesians 3:21;  therefore, as you have his breath engineering your mortal body, do his will, knowing that you are a sojourner, just passing through life, what you do on earth, determines your future destination in the realms of Spirit; there are a couple of paths of life, the broadway, and the narrow way, choose the right path for yourself, that leads to eternal life.

Fruit of thoughts;  there are a few seals spoken of in the scriptures, however, let us deliberate on the following seals of the spirits;  seal number one;  if you inhale and exhale the breath of God, cf. Genesis 2:7, that is his Spirit engineering your mortal body, therefore, you belong to him, whether you acknowledge him as your creator or not;  so long as his breath continues to provide you with existence, you are bounded with him;  his breath within you, is the initial seal which you originated from his pneuma; thus, you have his seal of approval as his likeness.   

The second seal is given by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption when you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; cf. Ephesians 4:30;  therefore, if you have not yet received Jesus as Lord and Savior, you have not yet received the second seal either, thus, be encouraged to be serious about your redemption before it is too late for you to dwell in Christ, for your soul is accessible to the devil to possess your afterlife, so think about your future, where you are going to live forever after you die;  you are a child of light, aspire to dwell in righteousness, the road leading to everlasting life.

The third seal is of the devil, the mark of the beast, the number of his name, 666; read Revelation 13:16-18;  my beloved reader, watch out for this seal, as the end times events unfold;  discern the times in which we are in through what is going on in different parts of the world, be concern about your fate, never join the multitude to do evil works or allow your head to corporate with the enemy to live by his strategic implementations, receive the 666 number seal of his name; indicating that you belong to him;  instead of his seal, get the right seal of the Holy Spirit, which identifies you as his believer, secures your future with him in eternal life. 

Beloved, though we are under the blood of Jesus, enjoying free grace, let not grace be a license to waywardness, read. Romans 6:1; if Christ leaves in us, exemplify him, circumspectly walk in his ways, for no one is beyond the temptations of the enemy, and his goal is to entice believers to fall into damnation, be mindful of his deceptions, make it an everyday routine to pray for yourself and others, read the scriptures, remain faithful in Christ Jesus, believe it, you have his seal under his blood grace forever and evermore  Amen and Amen! 

He that hath an ear let him hear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Rev. 3:13.  Peace and Love be unto you!


(KJV.)  Songs of Solomon 8:6  Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm:  for love is strong as death:  jealousy is cruel as the grave:  the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.

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