
Tuesday, September 4, 2018


(KJV.)  James 4:5

(5)  Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain.  The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?


Grace be unto you!

What is the real reason why Cain slaughtered his brother Abel?  Many will say, it is because of siblings rivalry, envy or jealousy; per the dictionary definition of the three words;  (a)  rivalry is to compete for the same objective or the superiority in the same field;  therefore,  what we call the siblings rivalry is a contention, competition, negative reflective behavior, an implication that hearts are impure to strive against each other, therefore, before Cain accidentally killed his brother Abel, the negative spirits are already infiltrating the heart of man to lead him into ungodliness.

Jealousy is to feel or show an envious attitude towards someone for what they have achieved or their advantages;  therefore, in case you are jealous of someone, search your heart, for chances are an adverse spirit is controlling your emotions, to resentment a person who is blessed, instead of, read Romans 12:15;  however, there is another side of the coin, so far as the spirit of jealousy is concerned;  there are a few verses in the scriptures, referring to God as a jealous God; thus, it is in the sense of man, to be suspicious as God is, however, with God's jealousy, he requires that we honor him as a Father, who created and loves us, allow him to be in the first place in our lives. Cf. Exodus 34:14;  therefore, jealousy is alright with a good intention, positive attitude, not with the negative emotions to act likewise. 

Envy is when there is a feeling of discontentment or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possession, qualities or a good fortune; envy is bitterness, an evil disease that can contaminant a heart to act unruly, do evil works;  many times, when a person is envious, there is also a sense of striving to overpower their competitor, and a striving spirit, if you do not care, it can lead a person into devasting senseless behavior, to counteract against the person whom they view as a treat to their ways of doing things, act against them unjustly, at times, it can lead a person to perform an atrocity that they will regret later on when the evil spirit departs from them;  therefore, never allow spirit of envy the chance to control your mindset and emotions to do evil works.

Beloved, know this fact, that on a daily basis, there is a spiritual battle going on with you; that is, your spirit wars against your flesh, vice versa, cf. Galatians 5:17;  therefore, always pray about things first before you follow your heart desires:  addendum, envy is a waring spirit from the flesh, if it raises up its fires to furnace your heart against someone, quench it by force with the word of God, never give envy a chance to rule over your emotions, dance according to its tunes, resent anyone in that sense, instead rebuke the devil and he will flee away from you:  therefore, the trivial question is, did Cain killed his brother Abel because of the siblings rivalry, envy, or jealous spirit? If it's puzzling to you, ask Jesus, he knows the right answer!


(KJV.)  Songs of Solomon 8:6  Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm:  for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.   

Love one another as you love yourself!  Jesus is coming back again soon!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!  God bless you!

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