
Thursday, May 10, 2018


(KJV.)  ISAIAH 65:1

(1)  I am sought of them that asked not for me;  I am found of them that sought me not:  I said,  Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.


Grace be unto you!  As the believers of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior has prayed the prayer that he thought his disciple during his mission on earth over the centuries, read Matthew 6:9-13, for reference;  by divine revelation, the kingdom of God, is upon the earth now, to take control of his creation, change negative concepts around with his kingdom principles, for the welfare, and peaceful habitation of humanity;  therefore, get ready, fasten your seat belt, his will is about to be done upon the earth as it is in heaven, get involve, love and care for one another as yourself, do his will wholeheartedly, preaching, ministering, sharing the gospel to all nations of the world;  be part of the process!

In reference to the above text, the LORD alerts us through the voice of Prophet Isaiah, saying, I am sought of them that asked not for me;  consequently, the LORD is readily available, to reveals himself to those who are not seeking him;  therefore, one of these days, Jesus will reveal himself to you;  he beckons us to come unto him with all our labors and heavy laden have for rest for our souls, cf  Matthew 11:28;  the question is, do you have rest for your soul?  I believe you do, but if you are troubled in any type of way, or overburned with the cares of this world, I encourage you to come unto Jesus with your burdens, and have rest for your soul!

Prophet Isaiah, also said,  I am found of them that sought me not:  the LORD is ready to be found by those who have not bothered to seek after him;  therefore, one of these days, sooner or later, the man will have an encounter with Jesus, hopefully, before it is too late for the man to meet with him;  meanwhile, walk in righteousness, be good to one another, especially to strangers, for one may encounter Jesus through caring and loving of others or entertaining angels unaware through kind gestures;  Abraham, the Patriarch, had an encounter with God,  because he entertained the three strangers under his tent, had a merciful conversation with God, read the book of Genesis chapter 13,  also, refer to Hebrews 13:2;  currently, the kingdom of God is upon the earth; forget about the things of the past, start life afresh with Jesus, believe the gospel, trust and walk in his righteousness unto eternal life.  Jesus loves you!

Beloved, Jesus is knocking on the doors of our hearts, saying to you and me;  regard me! regard me!  Let us hear him out!  He is beckoning souls and all the nations of the world as well to come unto him with burdens, exchange for grace, peace, and stability;  therefore, if you should hear his voice, calling your name, don't hesitate to answer him, he has something for you to enjoy, you are blessed by Jesus forevermore.  Continue ye in Love!  He is coming back again soon!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!  Thank you for your time spent with me!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 1:23  Turn you at my reproof::  behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you,  I will make known my words unto you.


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