
Friday, October 28, 2016


Matthew 5:6:

(KJV.)  HEBREWS 4:12-13

(12)  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
(13)  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight:  but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.


Brethren, the word, is the light of our souls;  how? our Father is the light, and dwells in lights, there is no darkness with him at all: cf. Daniel 2:22;  case in point, during creation, in the garden of Eden, our Father breathed his breath of light into the nostrils of molded dust of the ground, generated life, and man became a living soul;  therefore, without his breath of life, our mortal bodies perish, disintegrate into dust, where we originated from, his breath evaporates into the atmospherics.

As humans, many times, we feel, overwhelmed, overburdened, downcasted with troubles of this life; but the solution to our problems is simple, does not cost anything to acquire, lays in our own hands; what is the solution?  the solution is the word of our Father:  which is also Jesus Christ, the light of the world: cf. John 1:1-5;  therefore, we have to realize that, regardless of what we go through in this life, without the word, Jesus Christ, there is emptiness within our souls, and we have no lights burning, but our innermost spirits are darkened;  where there is no light, there is darkness; and darkness bears the fruits of darkness; such as depression, fear, anxiety, worry, sadness, sorrow, sickness, sucidial, tears and turmoil;  guess which tree bears these types of fruits?  the tree of the kingdom of darkness, from the enemy of our souls;  therefore, whenever we feel the presence of any type of these fruits;  it's time to pray fervertently, rebuke thoughts of evil, dismiss and cast them away from minds, hearts, spirits, get into his words, read them, meditate on his promises, pray to our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the lights of our innermost spirits, reestablish ourselves in his lights, receive fresh anointing oils into our lights;  when light comes in, darkness must disappear with its fruits;  however, let us not wait until we feel the need to read the word, before we do so, the word is our daily bread, to feed our hungry souls, as we eat physical food every day to keep our physics in good condition, same ways, we ought to read the word daily, keep our spirits in alignments with the source of lights, recieve revelations, to discern pathways of life.

Through the words of our Father, all things were created, both on earth and the heavens;  he called things into existence by his words; cf. Psalm 33:6;  his words are quick, as lightinnings on rainy days, powerful, sharper than two-edged swords, which penetrates into the depthness of our souls, enters into our spirits, and all parts of our physicalities, spiritualities, to know our thoughts and motives of our hearts;  there is nothing hidden before him:  through his words all things are revealed, whatever we do in secrets, with whoever we do with, the darkness of our hearts are transparent before his eyes; therefore, let us not deceive ourselves, be shady with one another, but rather be truthful, transparent and truthworthy in all our ways.    

Dearly beloved, our lives are predetermined, before we enter into this world, some people lives are predetermined from world of darkness as instruments of evil works, while others are predetermined from heaven for good works;  either ways, if we surrender our souls unto Jesus Christ, read his words daily, we transforms into useful instruments for his glory;  therefore, the word is most important part of human lives, to strengthen our spirits, souls and bodies through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, today, have we read the words of our Father yet?  this is just a friendly reminder!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Ephesians 6:17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

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