
Wednesday, October 4, 2017


(KJV.)  ST. JOHN 6:12

(12)  When they were filled, he said unto his disciples,  Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.


Grace be unto you!  From the creation of the world, God gave the man abundance of blessings to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the whole earth, and enjoy the proceeds, cf Gen. 1:28-30;  however, what did we do with the blessings of the LORD?  We abused the grace, simply because the man did not work hard to create the blessings, but receive all things by the grace of God;  many times, we wasted, misused and abused the blessings over and over again;  though Jesus has power over all things, he does not waste anything, but embraces any type of brokenness, and puts the pieces together again to be worthwhile, bring the life broken pieces to Jesus, he will surely make them all good again!

In a nutshell, Jesus was on the mount during the Passover, he lifted up his eyes and saw a great multitude come to him, he asked Philip one of his disciples, where can we buy bread, that these can eat?  Thoughtful!  Jesus is always thinking good thoughts about souls;  the crowd did not cry out to Jesus for food, yet he knew that they must be hungry;  therefore, before we pray to him for heart desires, he knew what's needed and provided;  Andrew, his disciple said unto him, there is a kid here who has five barley loaves, and two small fishes, which is not enough for the crowd,  Jesus said,  Make the men sit down, when counted, they were about five thousand men:  Jesus took the loaves, when he had given thanks, distributed to the disciples, and from the hand of the disciples to the men, he did the same with the fishes, everyone ate and was filled;  then, Jesus said to his disciples,  Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost!  When gathered together, twelve baskets were filled with the fragments of the five barley loaves;  what a miracle!  Jesus is capable of blessings souls beyond their human imaginations;  therefore,  let us trust in him!

Saints, there are blessings in blessing others;  the kid gave only five barley loaves of bread and two small fishes to Jesus, the turnover came, he left the crowd, went home with twelve baskets of fragments, can you imagine how many days, weeks the family can enjoy this blessing;  if he did not give up the five loaves that he had, he would not have received twelve baskets fragments to take home;  now let's ponder on the fragments; to you and me,  Jesus gave us assignments, to gather the remnants scattered over the world, that nothing remains behind on the day of recon. cf. Romans 11:5;  consequently, we have a task to accomplish before that great day; let's focus to gather them!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 14:31  He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker:  but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.

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