
Tuesday, October 2, 2018


(KJV.)  ST. JOHN 5:8

(8)  Jesus saith unto him,  Rise, take up thy bed and walk.


Grace be unto you!

Powerfully, God, the Father is Mighty, delivers his children who find themselves in captivities and the bondage of Satan; whenever they cry out to him for freedom:  therefore, whatever is hindering your progress, happiness in life, free yourself from the situation, if you have tried to get out of the problem but have not been able to free yourself, turn to Jesus, he is waiting for you to ask him to release you;  if you say, but wait a minute, "I am not under any bondage."  I will say, good for you! But continue reading the blog, you might find out if unknowingly, you may be a target of evil works.

In life, there are certain circumstances that prevails against souls, whereby, unwillingly, they are in physical or emotional or spiritual bondage, yet they are not aware of what is debilitating them;  at times, conditions can linger on for many years before the Holy Spirit reveals their conditions to deliver them out of its chains:  when a soul is in bondage, they may know about their situation but cannot free themselves, cf. Exodus 1:14;  others may not be aware of what is going on with them until it is pointed out to them by others;  the clue is, is there something in your life, that is pressing upon your emotions, making you feel uneasy, unhappy, yet you do not want to tell anyone about it or seek counsel about the situation?  If so, that very thing is your bondage, therefore, free yourself from the sorrow strongholds, come to Jesus Christ, and peacefully rest in him, happily always.

Assumably, you owe some money, but have not yet settled it, until you do so,  you are in bondage to your debtor,  you are in an abusive situation, whether a physical or emotional mistreat, until you stand up for yourself, seek help or free yourself out of the problem, you are a slave in bondage of a circumstance; you know what is right for you to do, yet some unexplained powers are hindering you from pursuing your heart desires, pray to find out from Jesus, what your predicament is, that is also a bondage to free yourself from, etc., therefore, if life seems unfavorable to you, you are in a season of trials, never accept perceptions as failures or listen to the lies of the devil, you are not defeated, your life is not over yet, never give up on it, but pray your heart out to Jesus, presenting your concerns before him, for in him, there is deliverance, peace, joy, and life everlasting, he is in absolute control of your life.

Beloved, about the text, Jesus said to the man who had an infirmity for thirty-eight years, laid by the pool of Bethesda, to rise, take up thy bed, and walk;  can you imagine how many years this person had been in this predicament?  Regardless, Jesus knew his case, he came to him, said, Wilt thou be made whole? The impotent man explained to him the reason why he could not step inside the pool for many years, Jesus healed him;  therefore, if there is a brother or sister among us, who is in any type of emotional or physical bondage, I encourage you to make an effort to free yourself from the situation, Jesus, knows about you, this is your time of deliverance.  I pray, in his name;  rise, take up your bed and walk, you are free!  Amen and Amen!

He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.  Rev. 3:13.  Peace and Love be unto you!


(KJV.)  Obadiah 1:17  But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness, and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. 

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