
Monday, August 6, 2018


(KJV.)  II TIMOTHY 3:1...14

(1)  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come...(14) But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of knowing of who thou hast learned them;


Grace be unto you!

The end times phenomenon is at hand!  Therefore, if you know that you are in the will of the Lord, stand firmly in his purpose, lest you fall away again into ungodliness;  because the enemy of your, my soul is also on his own mission, with an agenda to capture as many souls as possible, before that dreadful day, to bring them along with him into the pits of Hades' damnation;  so watch out for his deceptions, enticements to sIn, rather keep your eyes fixed on the redemptive cross of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior the grace of everlasting life.

However, if you are not yet certain of where you are going afterlife, still anticipating whether to give yourself to Jesus or continue with the life you are living right now;  I encourage you to think wisely, at this point and time of your life, stop the worries, put an end to your miseries and the unbelieving fate, just come to him with your labor and burdens, he will give you rest, cf. Matthew 11:28. Jesus is salvation, free grace, peace, joy, hope and eternal life; he is reaching out to you, come unto him
Believe or not to believe, the pieces of evidences before the end times occurrence is manifesting everywhere upon the earth,  therefore, today, the  Holy Spirit is reminding you to thoughtfully read through the Second Epistle of Apostle Paul's letter to Timothy chapter 3;  there is something there for you to discern about what is really going on around the world;  after you read and perceive that you are also going in the opposite direction away from the path of righteousness, it is not too late to correct yourself, turn around from the wrong road to follow Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and life. cf. John 14:6.

Many of you are already in the righteousness of Christ,  therefore, I say bravo to you!  Continue to stay right where you are in him, keep walking by faith into the life everlasting;  whiles you reside in him, I also suggest that you think of what to do for your friends, family members and co-workers who are still in the darkness of this world, not yet saved;  what are you going to do for them to be saved as well;  the fact is, no one can drag any soul to salvation it is by choice only, what I know is prayer works;  therefore, start praying for them,  even your spouses, children, grandchildren to see the light and come out of darkness by choice, surrender to Christ;  I believe that you would not want to be in heaven, enjoying yourself with Jesus, while your loved ones dwell with Satan in Hades. 

Beloved, end times prophecies are fulfilling, the king of heaven, of God, is at hand;  repent ye and believe that gospel, cf. Mark 1:15;  it is not a joking matter anymore, for anyone to make a jest for, but to be taken seriously, therefore, think about the life you are living right now;  be more concern about where to live permanently afterlife;  there are a couple of Kingdom doors opened for every soul to enter into afterlife, dwell forevermore; the ruler of the Kingdom door number one is Christ the Lord and Savior, King of all Kings, when you enter into his eternity, you will live peacefully and joyfully forevermore.

On the other hand, the Kingdom door that leads to the pits of Satan, believe me, you do not want to enter into this door, by divine revelation, the burning fires, awful smell of gases, the wailings of burning souls is unbearable to emotions:  therefore, if you are not yet saved, be encouraged now to come to Christ, before it is too late for you, choose the right living on earth to excess the right door to eternal life.  Continue to love one another as yourself!  Jesus is coming back again soon!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Revelation 2:10  Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer:  behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days:  be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. 

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