
Thursday, May 24, 2018


(KJV.)  ROMANS 3:3

(3)  For what if some did not believe?  shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?


Grace be unto you!  Who wrote the bible?  It is an interesting question, isn't it?  there are so many views as to who did the writing,  however, biblically the answer is clarified, starting from the book of Exodus chapter 20;  it was God, the creator who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, gave him his statutes for his people to obey;  therefore Moses was inspired by the spirit of God, wrote down his words;  with that in mind, there is no doubt that Jehovah God, is the author of his words; another example, if I am a worker for a "D" manufacturing company, do that make me the manufacture of the "Ds"?  no, it doesn't!  I only work for that company, the company owns the "Ds";  therefore, as oracles of God, we are positioned as plum lines of the Holy Spirit speaking from God's own heart to his people;  in this aspect, are the oracles of God, speakers and writers of their own words, or those from God?  Ponder over it!

First of all, if we are the oracles of God, and are channeling his words to his people, then we are not speaking from our own carnal abilities, but from that of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit;  therefore, we cannot take any credit for what comes out of our spirits to others, but Jesus gets the glory;  secondly, if we speak or write down his words, what he is saying to his people, but no one pays any attention to his words or are ridiculed, suffer persecutions, that should not change anything or cast away the intended purposes of Jesus. if rejected now by the people, never mind, continue to be his oracles;  if Jesus has spoken his words through your heart, it cannot be erased from the heaven books of records, it will continue to stand for future generations to hear him;  the scriptures are made up of sixty-six different types of books, from many different authors, but from the same spirit of God, who inspired them to write his words;  therefore, if we preach or minister what the Holy Spirit is speaking through us, and the world blaspheme his name through us, never mind the reproachers, continue to speak his words;  Prophet Noah, warned the people of Nineveh for so many years about the forthcoming destruction of God, yet no one paid any attention to him, eventually, the flood waters came and destroyed the things of the earth, except him and his family members, read Genesis chapters 6,7,8, for detailed information about Noah and the flood waters.

Beloved,  there are so many things that Jesus did at the time of his assignment on the earth, that if everything was to be recorded in the scriptures, the world cannot contain the books that should be written of him, cf. John 21:25;  therefore, it is not everything that Jesus did on the earth that is recorded in the scriptures;  before he ascended to heaven, he said to his disciples, the Comforter will come and teach you all things, and bring things into remembrance, cf. John 14:26;  therefore, believers receive newer revelations to add on to what we already have from the scriptures,  if we, as oracles of Jesus, relates something new from the spirits to the people, and for some type of a reason, were counted as fallacies, that is perfectly alright, keep on ministering his words, they did the same thing to Jesus, refer to the book of Matthew 12:31-32;  therefore, speak truthfully, never allow the negative cannotation of others the chance to overshadow the oracles of the Holy Spirit, continue to speak his words, leave the troublemakers alone to the judge of all judges, he knows the entire truth of matters.  Amen and Amen!  Love your neighbor as yourself!  Jesus is coming back again soon!  My Peace and Love be unto you!  Thank you for your time spent with me!  God bless you!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 14:5  A faithful witness will not lie:  but a false witness will utter lies.       

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