
Friday, April 27, 2018



(5)  One Lord,  one faith,  one baptism,


Grace be unto you!  The most important factor of creation was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, with God;  all things were made by him, there is nothing made that was made, in him was life, and life was the light of men:  and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:1-5;  when iniquities prevailed against the man, the Word came in the flesh, and born of the Virgin Mary, named Jesus;  therefore, there is no doubt about it, all things of creation belongs unto him, whether Christian believers or non-Christian believers, the fact remains the same, and cannot be disputed, everything, everyone, came into existence by the word of God, the Father of creation, through his son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Fruit of thoughts,  there must be unity among brethren, unity must prevail over the divisions of this world;  how?  the following are few divisive connotations that the man should avoid in speaking to others;  for example,  "I am a pen, you are a pencil, and cannot write legibly."  "I am from the east, you are from the west, so you speak with an accent." "I am for Paul, not for Apollos, preach better than you,"  I speak German, you speak Spanish, I can not understand your dialect, so do not talk to me."  "You are brown, I am grayish, we have nothing in common to share."  "I am rich, you are poor, how can we associate together?"  etc.,  little do we think of how we all came into existence, cf. Genesis 2:7;  also, there is another common factor to take into consideration, that is the color of the blood cells, amazingly everyone has the same color of blood, does that tell us something about ourselves?  Ponder it!  It is time for us to see ourselves differently from ways in which we have prejudiced against one another in the previous generations.

Beloved, let us study the above text in segments;  (i)  One Lord;  (a)  note carefully,  there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, we in him; (b) and one Lord,  Jesus Christ, by whom are all things,  (c)  and we by him. cf. I Coir. 8:6;  therefore, there is nothing besides the factor, that is suggesting to separate the man from himself, it was only on one occasion when he attempted to build a tower of Babel to reach God, his maker in his sovereignty, that was when division came upon him through different languages, cf. Genesis 11:1-9;  however, that division wasn't really a division, what it was meant to accomplish among them, it was through the languages, proposed to overthrow the evil imagination of the man from competing with God;  therefore, let unity prevail over division, love others as Jesus loves you.

(ii)  One Faith;  to have one faith is to believe in One God, as the author and finisher of creation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, following through the scriptures, from creation to the present times, God, the Father, and Jesus Christ his Son, are in the center of all the things of creation;  there is nothing else, no other way to salvation, free grace and eternity, except through Jesus, unto the true living God, the Father of all, John 14:6;  therefore, get to know Jesus, you are on right way! 

(iii)  One baptism;  Baptism, whether by water or by the Holy Ghost anointing, baptism is of Jesus Christ, which transforms believers within the faith of his righteousness, cf. I Cor. 12:13, 30;  truly, we are all baptised into one spirit of God;  when a believer receives either or both baptisms, there are certain attributes of Christ to exemplify;  his love is the number one, followed by his merciful, seeking justice for the injustice, caring for the helpless, sharing blessings with others, etc.;  today, let us see ourselves as Jesus perceives us, exemplify him, be more concern about others than ourselves.  Jesus is coming back again soon!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!  Thank you for your time spent with me today!


(KJV.)  Malachi 2:10  Have we, not all one father?  hath not one God created us?  why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the covenant of our fathers?                  

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