
Saturday, January 6, 2018



(4)  And did all drink the same spiritual drink:  for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them:  and that Rock was Christ.


Grace be unto you!  There is a Rock of Ages, from the foundation of the world, generation after generations, till present times, this Rock never disintegrated, demolished or dismantled by any spiritual or physical imaginations;  the Rock is the same as before, today, now and forevermore shall be: that Rock is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior:  if we build up anything at all with faith, upon this Rock, it will never fail, but as he is forever, so shall our undertakings be in this world of darkness.

Case in point, Jesus we know is the word spoken by God the Father, to create all things of this world. cf. John 1:1-5;  therefore, he existed with God, before the foundation of the world, before and after creation of the world, the word was never terminated from God, but existed within his spirits, the Father and the word were inseparable, wherever the Father went, so was the word, until the word was discharged by the Father, came down to the earth in a fleshly bodysuit, on an assignments to preach his own words, save the man from bondage of iniquities.

Fruit of thoughts, from creation until the birth of Jesus, the word, manifested miracles with God;  for instance, when the children of Israel journeyed from bondage through the wilderness, there were times when there was no water for the people to drink, and they chided with Moses their leader, when he sought God on the issues, he instructed him on what to do on both instances;  first instance,  that he will stand before Moses upon the rock of Horeb, and for him to smite the rock for water; which Moses did, water came out of the rock for them to drink, cf. Exodus 17:6;  therefore, a miracle manifested through the rock, Jesus is that Rock, out of his bowels comes the spring of living waters.

The second instance was in the desert of Zin, when there was no water for the congregation to drink, God, instructed Moses to take his rod, gather together the people and speak to a rock before their eyes, water will spring forth from the rock, Moses obeyed God, but struck the rock, the water sprang forth from the rock, quenched their thirsty souls, cf. Num. 20:1-13;  therefore, both miracles correlated the rock to the water;  what is this saying to you and me?  Firstly, the rock is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  secondly, in Jesus, flows the living waters;  the man needs a solid foundation to whither the storms of life, and sustained with physical and spiritual waters, without Jesus, souls will experience thirstiness and dryness of spirits.

Beloved, whenever there is any thirstiness within our souls, let us reach out to the rock of ages, pray, read his words, draw from his well of spirits, the living waters of Christ, be replenished in him forever and evermore.  Jesus is the Rock of Ages, let's dwell in him!  Love ye one another!  Peace and Love be unto you!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 30:4  Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?  who hath gathered the wind in his fists?  who hath bound the waters in a garment?  who hath established all the ends of the earth?  what is his name, and what is his son's name,  if thou canst tell?   

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