
Tuesday, December 19, 2017


(KJV.)  ST. JOHN 1:10

(10)  He was in the world, and the world was made by him,  and the world knew him not.


Grace be unto you!  Jesus was with God before the world was made;  he was the word, spoken to create all things of both the heavens and earth, cf. John chapter 1;  therefore, there is no doubt about his identity among creation, the scripture makes it clear that before the world was created by God, Jesus the word was within the spirit of God himself, until the present times, whether we live in the physical or spiritual realms of the spirits;  Jesus existed everywhere in the universe of glory;  (i)  in the beginning, he was the word of God, dwelling within God himself;  (ii)  thereafter, when sin prevailed against the world, God gave him over to be born in the flesh of a Virgin Mary, and given the name Jesus,  he brought light into the world of darkness, ministered the kingdom message to humanty;  (iii)  at the end of his ministry, he suffered for iniquities he did not commit, crucified, buried in the tomb but resurrected on the third day, ascended into his rightful place with God, as an advocate for those who believes in him, he rules and reigns both in the heavens and on earth forevermore!  Therefore, Jesus is Jesus, there is no doubt about who he is, get to know him!

Jesus was with God during creation;  however, there was another third party involvement as well, and that was the spirit of the Father, Genesis 1:2;  therefore,  (i)  the Father was the creator;  (ii)  his spirit moved upon the face of the waters;  (iii) while he spoke the word, to manifest upon the earth his wisdom, thoughts, and creativity;  therefore, the Holy Trinity exists, God the Father, his Son, Jesus, and the third party the Holy Spirit;  without Jesus inside the life puzzle, how can we solve the ruby cube of anything in this world;  therefore, let us know who he is, get closer to him than we are now, read his words, pray to God through his holy name, walk in his righteousness into everlasting life; thereon, reign with him forevermore;  Jesus is reason for the season, get to know him!

Beloved, Jesus is love, tenderhearted, he experienced creation, because he was the instrument of creation;  understands what is going on with the man upon the earth as well;  therefore, let us feel free to express thoughts, concerns with him;  he is our Redeemer, and will not allow his shed blood on Calvary to pay for our sins to be wasted in vains, but would prefer that all souls should to come unto him before it's too late to have salvation, free grace, and life everlasting;  therefore he advocates our sins before the Father when we call upon him to intervene, with that in mind, let's have a meaningful relationship with him, endeavor to know him for ourselves; the fact is, he loves us as he loves himself;  therefore, let us love others as ourselves. Jesus is Jesus!  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  May the Peace and Love of Jesus be unto you all!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Proverbs 6:23  For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.

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