
Wednesday, May 4, 2016


(KJV.)  1  THESSALONIANS 5:14-15

(14)  Now we exhort you,  brethren,  warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
(15)  See that none renders evil for evil unto any man;  but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men.


Brethren, as believers, let us encourage one another in the faith in the righteousness of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; for we are overseers in affairs of this world and within the body of Christ;  therefore when we observe ungodly behaviors, injustices being done on earth;  it is our prerogatives, to pray, roll up our biblical sleeves, speak wisdom words peacefully against negative observations, in churches, neighborhoods, countries, the world of darkness;  let us not turn away from waywardness, sweep things under our feet, cover up what need to be uncovered, continue to preach the gospel;  when Jesus went into the temple of our Father, he cast out all those who sold and bought in the temple, he did not turn away from observing evil works being done in house of our Father, refer to Matthew 21:12-13;  therefore, let us bespoke persons, correct, exhort, admonish, enlighten pathways of souls from darkness of this world into marvellous lights of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Many times, we forget facts that we were made overseers by the Holy Ghost, refer to book of Acts 20:28:  if we ask ourselves, who are overseers?,  the answer is, overseers are supervisors, bishops, pastors, board of directors, managers, parents etc., people in leadership positions, to take charge, run faith or secular affairs on earth;  therefore, we were not made overseers, sit down on benches, pray and preach the gospel, but to mind the affairs of this world as well: reach out to the suffering, volunteer time and efforts for benefit of others;  if we find our callings in secular positions, that is perfectly alright, we are in our callings, still doing the will of Jesus Christ;  if we refuse to perform our duties and responsibilities rightfully, cheerfully, reluctantly do what we have to do; guess what Jesus, the overseer of this world is watching, recording into details of our lives, on judgement day, everyone will be rewarded according to their works, refer to Revelation 20:12.

Apostle Paul encourages believers, to warn those who cannot control themselves in anything,  but do everything excessively. extravagantly for the world to see their capabilities, rather support those who are weaker in intellectual powers, have patience with people regardless of who they are in this world; be careful not to return unpleasant behaviors with same characteristics, but rather do good will among brethren and toward one another;  also, minister words of wisdom to fellow brothers', sisters', who are insensitive to others, to love and care for one another as ourselves.


Dearly beloved, whether the devil likes it or not, all things of heaven and earth belongs Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  therefore, Jesus, beckons humanity to come unto him, with their labors and heavy laden, receive rest for their souls; he does not want any soul to end up in damnation;  today, if we have not yet given our hearts over to him, let us not delay our own salvation, but endeavor to come unto him, before it is too late; for our lives are not in our own hands, anything can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any moment, and we lose our souls to damnation;  the time is ripe, to come unto Jesus, have salvation, free grace, life forever and evermore.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Acts 20:35  I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said,  It is more blessed to give than to receive.


  1. Excellent encouragement and real talk!

  2. Excellent encouragement and real talk!

  3. Thank you my beloved sister! I appreciate you! God bless your!




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