
Thursday, February 4, 2016


(KJV.)  EPHESIANS 4:25-27

(25)  Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour:  for we are members one of another.
(26)  Be ye angry, and sin not:  let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
(27)  Neither give place to the devil.


Brethren, spoken words are powerful and manifestable; therefore, let us mind words that come out of our mouths, our words are the spirits within our mortal bodies;  case in point, Jesus Christ is the word with our Father, which was spoken to create all things of this world; refer to book of John 1:1-4: he was present with our Father, and all things were made by him, nothing was made without him; he is the life resource, and the same life resource was the light of men: therefore, if Jesus is life, if life is light within our innermost spirits, then each time we open up our mouths and speak, we speak out words of lights, that will either manifest, positively or negatively according to our innermost spirits; therefore, whenever we call the name of Jesus; whatever we call him for must manifest, because his name is the powerful resource of creation; and our words are powerful, which can kill or bring alive intended purposes of our hearts;  for it is written in the book of Proverbs 18:21;  "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.":  let us be careful of what we speak into existence in this world of darkness.

Each and every soul born to earth have mouth of authorities within their hearts to speak things into manifestation; however, let us not overlook facts that, there are other souls physically in this world but spiritually devilish;  therefore, let us test the spirits, to know which ones are of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; for our words portray what spirits inhabits our mortal bodies; if we speak negative words upon others endlessly;  this are signs that our hearts are infiltrated with evil;  Jesus said, refer to Matthew 7:20:  "Wherefore, by their fruits ye shall know them.";  if we speak positively,  bravo!, the spirit of truth which is Jesus Christ dwells richly in our mortal bodies:  by our words, we can kill or make alive things of this earth;  therefore, let us be mindful of what we pronouce into existence, refrain our tongues from speaking deceptiveness, but speak truthfulness of matters to one another, be transparent, trust worthy and reliable believers.

Jesus is the only way, the truth and the light within our mortal bodies; without him, what can we do? this a point to ponder on!;  if his lights indwells within our hearts, we are shinning examples of him in this world of darkness, and cannot bear fruits of unrighteousness, because he is righteous; our old corrupted selves are done away by his spiritual light force, the Holy Ghost Fire;  therefore, believers cannot bear fruits of deceptiveness, but rather fruit of righteousness because the light of Jesus Christ is not corrupted with works of darkness; we cannot have lights of Jesus Christ and walk in darkness, that the enemy of our souls, will have power over our lives, use us an instruments of warfare against one another: therefore, let us double check the engine lights of our souls, see if we need spiritual oil changes or purification of anointing oils, endeavor to do so with fasting (optional), prayers, reading and hearing of his words, allow the lights of Jesus Christ to illuminate from our hearts, shine within world of darkness forevermore.


Dearly beloved, as human beings living together on planet earth; many times, we will step on one another's toes, get offended by others and spirits of resentments will operate from our hearts;  in the above text, Apostle Paul said, "Be ye angry, and sin not;  in other words, we may get angry, but let not our anger escalate into immoralities;  how?, when people are angry, they use negative words against one another, we know that words do manifest, if we speak or wish evil upon others because of anger, if care is not taken, the spiritual force of evil will manifest in those lives; that is determined as an immoral behavior, those actions and behaviors of evil are contrary to words of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  therefore, let us exercise patience when in conflict with others;  if, we should get angry,  let us not go to sleep, toss and turn over issues, but rather endeavor to iron out differences with offenders, forgive and forget their offenses to cleanse our spirits from evil consciences, have peace and joy everlasting.  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Zachariah 8:16-17:  These are the things that ye shall do;  Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour;  execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:  And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD.

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