(KJV.) 1 PETER 1:24-25
(24) For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass, The grass withereth, and flower thereof falleth away:
(25) But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
Brethren, as humans, dwelling and moving around on planet earth, we are no more than the green grass of the field; regardless of who we are, our intellects, prestiges, affluences, nationalities, races and genders; we are all fragile vessels, just like eggs in palms of playful children, we are here today enjoying ourselves, gone tomorrow unto the unknown; knowing or unknowingly, our lives are not in our own hands, but in the hands of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; case in point, without his breath of life, within our mortal bodies, the grace of his sustenance and rivers of livings waters to drink, we could barely survive on just his spirits alone; despite facts that we have his spirits as our life forces; to maintain his spirits, we need to nourish our spirits with daily prayers, devotions and reading of his words: the same ways, to maintain the physical aspects of our beings, we ought to nourish our mortal bodies with proper nutritions, drink plenty of fluids and restful sleep; therefore, each and every moments of our lives are fragiles; let us appreciate life, be grateful for who we are, our current stages in life, make the most out of every situations, whether successful or unsuccessful, we are precious in the eyes of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Comparably, we are the same as the grass with flowers of the field, when the grass is watered, it looks greener from the outside, but actually, the grass withdraws its glory from the nutrients of the soil, rain waters, dews from heaven, without these resources, grasses of the field will not survive they will wither, turn brown, and fade away; there are similarities in ways in which the grass of the field survives and how humanity survives on planet earth; physically or spiritually, we all depend on something to survive on planet earth; physically, to breath, we depend on the air, carbon dioxide, when hungry, we eat foods, nutritions; when thirsty, we drink waters, HO2; when tired, we sleep, to refresh our souls; every living and moving things depends on some sorts of sustenance in other to survive on planet earth; life is interesting, live is to the fullest!; therefore, let us take good care of ourselves, eat adequately, proper nutrition, avoid junk foods, drink lots of water and sleep very well; our lives depends on these things: despite all these, when our physical bodies begins to wear out and our strengths begins to fail us, we eventually go the same ways of our forefathers; therefore, let us think and focus on where we are going after we wither like grass of the field and fall away like dried flowers do; this is point to ponder on!
Regardless of our statuses in life, not all fingers are created equal; with that in mind, let us not think that we are less fortunate than others; we are not, let us be content and happy with ourselves, who we are currently and what we will become in future, always hope for the best yet to come, count our blessings to see how fortunate we really are, if we are alive in this world, there is second and third chances to make it right, rejoice in all circumstances; for, we are blessed and highly favored by the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, there is nothing to worry about in this world of darkness: however, we cannot live fruitful lives on earth, have contentments within our souls without spiritual nourishments; which is bread of life, kingdom words of our Father and his living waters, Holy Ghost anointings, guidance and empowerments; many times, we worry about things of this world, things we ought to have, but do not have, compare ourselves with others and think that we are failures in life; my point across is; no one is born to fail, if we are in our callings, and are assigned to perform different tasks within the vineyard of glory, we are in rightful positions, not failures; therefore, let us not compare our ourselves with other people, every one is uniquely designed to be outstandings in life, we are not equally made, our blueprints and finger prints are not the same; therefore, if we are called as carpenters, given wisdom to build heavenly structures on earth; we can only be happy, if we accept the facts that we are gifted to be carpenters, utilise our gifts and talents to the maximum, shine in the world of darkness; we encounter problems only when we focus on others and compare ourselves to what they do as physicians, engineers, astronauts, law makers, policemen, preachers, governmental heads etc.,; beat down our souls as mediocres, we are not!; friends, whether we are successful in this world or not; someday, we will all wither like the grass of the field; our glories will fade away; times and tides waits for no man!; but words of our Father will never pass away, but will live forevermore; therefore, let us read and obey his words, have salvation, hope and eternal lives.
Jesus Christ is the word which our Father pronounced to bring all things into existence. (1 John 1-3); this is the same good news, being preached to humanity everyday; let us not turn deaf ears on the words but listen attentively; our Father speaks, heals, blesses, anoints, empowers and sustains our lives with his words, we receive faiths to trust and believe in him, by hearing of his words; if we have any doubts of his words, let us search the scriptures, to know truthfulness of matters, ask the holy spirit to minister into our hearts, grant us wisdom, knowledge and understandings of his words, spirits to obey his words, walk in his righteousness into eternity.
Dearly beloved, let us not be double minded, but rather trust our Father, that we are in his rightful positions in this world; even if we compromise our callings, Jesus Christ will work through our lives in whatever fields we choose to serve; for the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. (Matthew 9:27); let us not think low of ourselves in any field, we are all important workers in the vineyard of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; but rather rejoice and be exceedingly happy that we serve our Father, and will be rewarded with earthly and heavenly blessings; regardless of who are on earth, there is a day set aside when all spirits will appear before Jesus Christ for judgement; that is what really matters in this world, all else is vanity and vexation of spirits. Amen and Amen!
(KJV.) Isaiah 40:8: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.
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