
Thursday, January 28, 2016



(3)  And I was with in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
(4)  And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
(5)  That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men,  but in the power of God.


Brethren, the gifts and calling of our Father are without repentance: (Romans 11:29):  therefore, our Father calls, chooses his servants into his vineyard of glory, equips them with spiritual gifts, talents in other to function effectively within his purposes;  before he calls and assigns them tasks on earth, he already predestine and know everything about them:  refer to Jeremiah 1:5:   their entire lives on earth, from beginning to the end had being analysed by the holy fold, before they are were born and called into different tasks in the vineyard of his glory, not only that, but he also knows the outcome and completion of their assignments, but chosen servants does not know entire details concerning our Father's agendas for their callings until completion;  therefore, if we have received the callings of our Father, let us not try to figure him out; but rather obey his words, surrender unto his will and watch him work miracles, signs and wonders through our lives: our Father does not regret callings any servant, it is our attitudes towards his purposes, that may delay or derail our assignments, and determine if he is willing to stay connected or turn away; but he never leaves his servants alone, so long as they remain faithful to their callings;  therefore, when he gives them gifts of the spirits, they are for the benefit of his purposes, to function adequately in their callings, once he gives them gifts, they are out of his treasures in heavenly places, and he does not withdraw his gifts and callings, but rather adds more anointings to their gifts for spiritual growth from one level to another level; some gifts may remain dormant in the innermost spirits until appropriate times of activation; depending on levels of anointings before appointments, so long as servants remains faithful to their callings.

From generations to generations, preachers of the gospel suffer persecutions, reproaches, trails and tribulations for righteousness sake;  simply because humanity refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, hear his kingdom words, repent from sins, receive gift of salvation and life everlasting: the fact is, truthfulness of the gospel most be spoken; we are all sinners, no one is righteous, no not one:  however, kingdom words, are swords of the spirit, that pierces the hearts of humanity to break down walls of ungodliness, if we refuse to preach kingdom words, which may hurt feelings of guilty souls, disclose filthiness of innermost spirits and set the captives free from darkness into marvellous lights of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  we have deviated from our callings as mouthpieces and servants of the vineyards of glory;  please, do not get me wrong, am not saying that we should be judgemental, use words of condemnations to beat down souls; but what am saying is, let us encourage souls to resist sinful temptations, receive words of redemption, be purge clean and walk in godliness; though kingdom words of our Father may pierce hearts of guilty souls, it will alert their hearts not to practice or get involve with ungodliness when issues of ungodliness arises against them in the world of darkness.

Saul the persecutor and murderer of disciples of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior; went to the high priest, sought an approval letter to Damascus, to the synagogues that if he found followers of Jesus Christ to bring them to Jerusalem for persecution;  what happened on his way?;  he was stricken by lightening, Jesus Christ, spoke with him, and converted him to Apostle Paul of the New Testament; Paul did not receive prior education or degrees but received wisdom and empowerment from Jesus Christ to explain and preach the gospel truthfully by the Spiritual power of our Father;  therefore, let us not worry of what to do, when we receive the call of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  he will give his servants necessary tools to function accurately in the faith of his righteousness;  however, if we have resources to learn more about him in faith establishment, by all means, let us do so; if not, we can always lean on him for wisdom, knowledge and understandings to successfully accomplish our assignments on earth; all these gifts are already made available to all believers by the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit; ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and doors will open forevermore.


Dearly beloved, as believers, at times we may feel discouraged in the faith, weaknesses of the spirit, fears of failures and tremblings of evil attacks may prevail against our souls;  the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit heals and strengthens our souls to persevere, forbear to finish lines of our callings; therefore, regardless of what may be going on in our lives today;  let us not feel downcasted but trust in our Father, know Jesus Christ died and rose again from the dead to make us overcomers in world of darkness, and on our sides, never leaves us alone; for we more than conquerors;  therefore, let us hang in there, continue to be faithful;  delay is not denial!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  2 Corinthians 13:4:  For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God.  For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you.


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