
Tuesday, December 22, 2015


(KJV.)  LUKE 2:6-7

(6)  And so it was,  that,  while they were there,  the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 
(7)  And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes,  and laid him in a manger;  because there was no room for them in the inn.


Brethren, the series of events surrounding the birth, after birth, ministry, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, are unbelievable but factual events;  from disobedience of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, throughout generations, humanity constantly portrayed themselves as sinful children;  first of all;  our Father became angry with Adam and Eve, because they ate the forbidden fruit, after disobeying him, he cursed all the parties involved and sin came into the world: (Genesis 3)  secondly;  as the population grew on earth, our Father looked down again from throne of grace, he saw that the earth was filled with abominations and filthiness, humanity was drinking iniquities like water and every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts were only evil continually: (Genesis 6);  therefore, our Father assigned Noah to warmed the people of his intended purposes, to destroy humanity, beast, creeping things and fowls of the air, for he repented ever created them: our Father instructed Noah to build an ark, and for several years, Noah, preached his warming to humanity to repent and be saved, but they paid no attentions to him; the flood came and destroyed all things of the earth; only eight people, Noah and his family members and some specific animals were saved from the flood:  after the flood, Noah offered burnt offerings to our Father, his offerings was accepted, our Father thought not to curse the ground ever again for the sake of man; because imaginations of their hearts are evil from birth: that is, he understood that no matter what he does to punish humanity for doing evil, evil is already implanted in their DNA's inherited from Adam and Eve sinful behaviors in the garden of Eden;  he also decided not to smite any more all living things, like he did with the flood: (Genesis 8:21);  regardless, humanity continued to drink iniquity like drinking water!;  thirdly, newer generation sprung forth after the flood, they multiplied and decided to build a tower to reach heaven, (Genesis 11),  therefore, our Father came down from throne of grace with his holy fold, changed their common language, confuse them with different dialects, in other not to reason with one another, scattered them abroad the face of the earth;  the abominations of Sodom and Gomorrah, (Genesis 19), etc.,;  from generations to generations, iniquities prevailed against humanity!; fourthly,  since our Father decided not to destroy the earth again for humanity sake;  he thought of a perfect solution, implemented it, to redeemed humanity from iniquities once and for all, without daily priesthood atonements and sacrifices for sins, or to destroy disobedient children, until after the judgment day;  therefore, he sent down his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, to be born of a virgin Mary, after his ministry, he was arrested because of false accusations of evil people, beaten with whips, wounded with stripes, suffered for iniquities he did not commited, slaughtered on a cross like a sacrificial lamb, shed his blood to pay for all our iniquities, buried in a tomb like an ordinary man, but was not ordinary, for he rose up again from the death the third day, overcame death with victory, and grant salvation and eternal lives for those who would accept him into their hearts as Lord and Savior.

From creation to this twenty-first generation; inquities continued to prevail against humanity; our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died and resurrected from the tomb, paid for all our present, past and future sins, gave humanity the choice to either accept him as Lord and Savior, have salvation, free grace and eternal lives or continue to drink iniquities like water, and inherit Hades damnation with Lucifer and his demonic angels:  the choices are ours to make!  point to ponder on;  currently, what type of water are we drinking?


Dearly beloved, as we celebrate Christmas again this year, let us be grateful for what our Father has done, doing and will do on our behalves through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior forever and evermore.  Everyone;  have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!  May your table be filled with laughter and happiness forever and evermore.  Be safe and sound in Jesus Name!  Amen and Amen!


(KJV.)  Matthew 1:24-25:  Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:  And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son:  and he called his name JESUS.


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