
Tuesday, November 10, 2015



(10)  Whatever thy hand findeth to do,  do it with thy might;  for there is no work,  nor device,  nor knowledge,  nor wisdom,  in the grave,  whither thou goest.


Brethren, the whole world is built upon our Father's love, he is love himself;  but how do we get love to manifest strongly among humanity?;  it is by unity and peace:  to accomplish this goal, humanity will have to interact with one another with mutual understanding, that we belong to the same Father, and are made just like him;  whether believers or unbelievers; we have same breathe of our Father within our souls, the same spirit resides in every living soul, regardless of our national origins, skin colors, genders or ethnic backgrounds; we are brothers and sisters from the same source of living, the great "I AM" and are descendants of Noah;  if we understand some of these concepts, then we ought to love one another and not hate or destroy one another; but rather learn to forgive and put away offenses, and embrace one another, there will be happiness within our hearts, from happiness comes forth peace and tranquility;  which motivates, inspires humanity to willfully produce in their areas of specialties wholeheartedly to the glorification of our Father through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

In reference to the above text, King Solomon said;  (i)  Whatever thy hand findeth to do,  do it with thy might;  it is not only when we serve our Father in the faith of his righteousness that we do his will, but when we serve in the secular world, at our places of work, in our friends and family circles, offer help to strangers, the elderly, widows and widowers, the poor and needy, and the orphans etc.; whatever we do, we do all things to glorify our Father in heaven, and he does not over look our good deeds, whether we belong to the faith or not, he rewards those who show mercy on others; therefore, in our early morning prayers, let us ask our Father to direct our ways on what he would like us to focus on and to do for him, when he places things on our hearts to do for him;  let us do all things cheerfully with brotherly and sisterly love, be kind and affectionate,  persistently in spirit, eager to serve, put others first, ourselves secondly;  for regardless of what we do on earth, as we interact and serve others, we serve our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior;  collectively, we dwell in him;  therefore, if we love one another, we complete his circle love, within his sovereignty forevermore.

He went on to say;  (ii)  for there is no work,  nor device,  nor knowledge,  nor wisdom,  in the grave, whither thou goest. As humans, when we wake up every morning, alive, well, are are able to move around on earth; it is not a privilege, but by the grace of our Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, another day of grace given, to set ourselves up for newer beginnings in him, his agape love, to perfect ourselves by loving one another in obedience to his words, walk in faith through the righteousness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;  for when we sleep in death, there is no grace or second chances for souls to get things done rightfully and we end up in damnation:  for there is no labor in the grave when we sleep in death, that we can use our intellects, wisdom, knowledge and understandings to perform, our gifts perishes with our mortal bodies;  if we qualify to be with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior in life everlasting,  it is only our Father's wisdom that engineers all things in his creation forevermore;  he gives his wisdom to souls only whiles on earth for his purposes, to interact with one another for his glorification; therefore, if we hide our gifts and talents, refuse to use them to do his will, we miss out on his plans for our lives and in the lives of others in his sovereignty; someday, when we sleep in death, souls will have to account for all gifts received from him whiles on earth; therefore, if by his grace, we have received gifts and talents from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, counted worthy among his chosen generation, royal priesthood, an holy nation, as peculiar people of faith in his righteousness;  let us show forth his attributes, love one another, praises him who called us out of darkness in to his marvelous lights, do his will wholeheartedly for glorification of his Holy Name forevermore.


Dearly beloved, with the holiday seasons, quickly approaching, let us use whatever resources we can afford to help others, who need our assistance to feel accepted in society, loved and not cast away as useless souls, but are parts of humanity as a whole;  if we cannot afford to give things of this world, let us offer ourselves as instruments of love; reach out and touch someone, whether in phone calls, text messages or surprise visits, show that we care; for, all these kind gestures are not done in vain, we do them all for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and will be rewarded with earthly and heavenly blessings forever and evermore.  for, Jesus said,: This my my commandment,  That ye love one another, as I have loved you. (John 15:12).  Amen and Amen!  


(KJV.)  Colossians 3:23-24:  And whatever ye do,  do it heartily,  as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

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